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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer curve P71

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I know this has been touched on before but these companies keep changing.... I used to use a Clark/Peca/Bure P71 at times and the old iginla curve when synergies first came out.... so basically I can't get the right sauce with the Kane/P88 and the Stamkos/PM9 is just a little too flat and low lie to use on ice (it was great for roller hockey....). And even the current iginla's feel off because I think that is an E63 with Easton.... and every website or store only sells a few patterns it's a nightmare. 

Please speak freely! I can't be the only donkey with this confusion. Do I just grow a sac and get used to the Kane or stamkos? Or has the P71 maybe morphed into the P106 or one of the other patterns you can custom order from Bauer? Or one of the newer stick companies? 


Thank you you very much in advance! 

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I guess it's best described as a closed deep mid IIRC. Nothing from Bauer jumps out off the top of my head as once you move away from the P88 you get into open toe space with them (think P14/P28/P92.

Have you looked at the Warrior Pacioretty?

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Coming from a 7 lie is tough. Curve wise, sounds like a Coffey might work, which I believe Sher-Wood still makes.

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