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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Gloves

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The new gloves are...interesting.

If by interesting you mean, they look like a a wheel of cheese cut into pieces on the backhand of a glove, then yes, they're interesting. ;)

I saw the catalog last week... the model below the high end synergy doesn't look too bad though.

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I saw the 2005 gloves in the catalogue and to quote JR, they are "...interesting". It is nice to see that they brought back the traditional look for the gloves. And it answered my question in my post about new gloves at the WJHC.

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The entire glove line has been redone.

They all have big E's on them. The one with the bigger E are the new Airs. On the other side of the cuff (thumb side) it says EASTON on it as well. The SyNergy line says "SyNergy" on them.

They've added a "Smart Cuff" wristguard setup on the SyNergy line, and the SyNergy 1300 (top-end) has the old Velcro adjustable cuff in the back.

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