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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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10+ Years with Bauer Vapor XX gloves - Today's comparable glove?

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Hi all -  I apologize if this topic has been widely covered already - it's been years since I logged-in here.

I've been wearing the same pair of gloves since 2007 - Bauer Vapor XX's (literally the same pair - they smell terrible even for hockey gloves, and are finally falling apart) and I need some help in finding a pair that would be most comparable to those today. Could someone help me with a recommendation? 

I did some research and have been torn between Bauer Supreme 190sBauer Supreme TotalOne MX3, AND Bauer Vapor X900 - I don't have a local shop that carries any to try on/buy in person - and I'm not up to date on all the specs terminology to figure out which most closely resembles my XX's.

Thanks for your help!


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36 minutes ago, Buzz_LightBeer said:

If you could score some X100 that would be my vote for closest. Palms are different but fit is similar. Otherwise X900

I'd second the X100 recommendation. One thing to note is I find the X100 (not sure about the X900) run a bit large in sizing - I usually wear a 14" in Warrior or CCM, but I have a pair of 13" X100s that feel just right. 

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5 hours ago, Buzz_LightBeer said:

If you could score some X100 that would be my vote for closest. Palms are different but fit is similar. Otherwise X900

This ∆

I currently wear X100s and would say Buzz has it right.  X900 is similar, but something about them just feels different.  I feel like they offer slightly less mobility. 

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