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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2017 1S Stick Durability

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Maybe guys on here can chime in but out of the 4 shops I’ve been to this week I’ve seen 4 broken 2017 1S sticks getting sent out for warranty. Skated with a young kid using an intermediate one and he said that he broke his first one in the first week. Anyone else having issues with these?

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5 hours ago, 60PlusWinger said:

Seems like either they’re egg shells or bricks. 17 1N has seen a lot of “this stick broke” reviews too. 

Yeah man they're totally garbage sticks because you've personally seen 4 broken ones. lol come on

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On 12/11/2017 at 7:07 PM, Stryker said:

Yeah man they're totally garbage sticks because you've personally seen 4 broken ones. lol come on

When did I say that they were totally garbage? Anywhere? In any fashion...  don’t answer that was a rhetorical question. Lol come on

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On 12/11/2017 at 7:07 PM, Stryker said:

Yeah man they're totally garbage sticks because you've personally seen 4 broken ones. lol come on

Nice strawman but in his defense, seeing 4 broken in person in the same city is a lot more significant than reading 4 online reviews about people breaking them.

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5 hours ago, 60PlusWinger said:

When did I say that they were totally garbage? Anywhere? In any fashion...  don’t answer that was a rhetorical question. Lol come on


3 hours ago, GoalForFun said:

Nice strawman but in his defense, seeing 4 broken in person in the same city is a lot more significant than reading 4 online reviews about people breaking them.


I could have worded my post better, so I'll apologize for that.

It's just frustrating seeing posts that uses some type of anecdotal or circumstantial observation to try and form an opinion on an entire population. Sample size, confirmation bias, yadda yadda yadda I'm sure you catch my drift.

What i was mostly trying to convey is that seeing one broken 1S stick in each shop you visited simply should not be enough evidence for you to possibly think that that stick is a "brick" or an "egg shell."

What if they sell 4x as many of them? What if there are twice as many of another stick in the back broken? Our store has 2:1 CCM to Bauer broken sticks in the back right now, does that mean all of them are "bricks?" Or maybe we've had CCM sticks on sale way more than bauer recently, and have sold more?

In my experience, aside from one or two major exceptions (Easton RS's say hello) how long a stick lasts depends more on who is using it than the brand or type of stick. If you are hard on them, they're gonna snap (be it Warrior, bauer, CCM, top end, low end, etc.) and if you aren't as hard on them, they won't. But that's just my experience, not a fact I would present.


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