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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2017-18 Supplemental Discipline

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Up until the Kadri incident, the only supplemental discipline handed out to the leafs this year I think is a Frederik Andersen embellishment fine. If you really want to dissect and discuss that, by all means! 

What Kadri did was stupid, but it’s not really an incident that makes a good discussion topic as it wasn’t close to borderline, it was full out a dumb move. 

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23 minutes ago, chippa13 said:

Or was perpetrated by a Leaf?  :ph34r:

Im pretty sure somebody else posted about the Kadri hit already.

1 minute ago, chippa13 said:

Lighten up, Francis.

If you're going to make a stupid comment you should not be surprised when somebody corrects you. 

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Wilson having a hearing for his hit on Aston-Reese today. I think he'll get a game as the way he turned to lead with his left shoulder into the jaw is kind of the damning evidence for me.

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3 hours ago, chippa13 said:

Wilson having a hearing for his hit on Aston-Reese today. I think he'll get a game as the way he turned to lead with his left shoulder into the jaw is kind of the damning evidence for me.

Yeah, I'm expecting a game from this one.  Both the turning to lead with his shoulder through the face and the fact that he was throwing himself up into the hit (shown by him almost putting himself over the boards into his bench) indicate he was going high. 

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