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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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And you though NewYork doesnt have waves

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Heres a video me and a couple people filmed/edited during the end of 2004. 30degree air temps mixed winchills and 45 degree waters, and we have ourselves some consistant waves during parts of the year. Most of the footy was from Christmas Eve. Throw on the wetsuits boys, NY has waves :D

Anybody else surf or bodyboard?

Edit: Wow, im so stupid. I forgot the vid..

Click for video

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:ph34r: those waves are pretty intense, considering they weren't caused by earthquakes. i never saw waves that high even in australia

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Tell me that wasn't jones beach.

Some was Long Beach, but most of it was filmed in Lido or Point Lookout. And the rest was from Dune Road in the hamptons(about 3houses down from P.Diddy's house)

:blink:  those waves are pretty intense, considering they weren't caused by earthquakes.  i never saw waves that high even in australia

Some of the footy was taking during the best swell that new york has ever gotten(3/11/04), but most of the waves were from the early morning of christmas eve. The OZ gets some pretty sick waves if you know where to look.

Some pics from 3/11/04:




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Damn...I'm at LB all the time for open hockey, freaky.

As for the rest...at least they didn't have the heroin needles and everthing else you'd find washed up if the waves ever got that big by jones beach.

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Damn...I'm at LB all the time for open hockey, freaky.

As for the rest...at least they didn't have the heroin needles and everthing else you'd find washed up if the waves ever got that big by jones beach.

You play at the Long Beach arena? I used to play there, but couldnt stand the smell of the water and the foggy rink.

Yeah, Jones Beach is pretty disgusting. I've been there when the garbage has been so bad, the lifeguards didnt allow anybody in the water.

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Damn...I'm at LB all the time for open hockey, freaky.

As for the rest...at least they didn't have the heroin needles and everthing else you'd find washed up if the waves ever got that big by jones beach.

You play at the Long Beach arena? I used to play there, but couldnt stand the smell of the water and the foggy rink.

Yeah, Jones Beach is pretty disgusting. I've been there when the garbage has been so bad, the lifeguards didnt allow anybody in the water.

Yeah, I go to LB for open hockey whenever I'm on break from school. About a 35 minute ride on the 678-878 so it's not that much further from iceland and it actually has stuff other than general skating and its travel team.

Haven't ever seen jones beach that bad, but it doesn't surprise me.

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where do you guys live?? i'm only 15 min's from the LB arena, i play roller just ouside on the sportcourt 3-4 times a week. I play open ice there as often as i can also.

AND to go back to the original topic, i used to bodyboard allll the time up until about 3 yrs ago. I just didn't have the time for it anymore, but i've been wanting to get back into it so bad. Those waves are gorgeous!! Best ones i've seen in person were at long beach about 4 summers ago, in late august when there were hurricanes coming up the coast from the south. I was there w/ my girlfriend, and didn't have my gear :(

i'm prob playin ice either tomorrow (fri) or sat night, let me know if u guys are gonna be there

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last time i went to jones beach there was al these nasty friggin jellyfish swimming around and getting thrown onto the shore, it was pretty nasty. :-)

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where do you guys live?? i'm only 15 min's from the LB arena, i play roller just ouside on the sportcourt 3-4 times a week. I play open ice there as often as i can also.

I live just outside the garden city border, so its about 20minutes to the LB arena. I havent been to the LBA in about a year. Last time i played roller there was a tournament in the parking lot surround by blowup boards. It was cool as hell.

What time is the open hockey there? I'll be bored at home saturday

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Im going surfing in Jacksonville, Fl this weekend, should be pretty nice. My buddy that I play hockey with is from LBI, not sure if its the same as your Long Beach, but he surfs here and also there when he goes home to visit for the summer.

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Long Beach Island is in Jersey, but its basically the same stretch of beach. I think the whole East Coast is getting waves this weekend. I went to the beach right after school today, and it was about 4-7 feet but the while really made it blown out.

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