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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nexus/Skate Stretching

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So still on the search for skates, took the advice of another poster and started calling all the LHS in the area, up to 4 hours away, for a pair of Nexus in 9EE which is what the 3D skate lab indicates I am for a size. 

I called one shop 3 hours away, that specializes in hockey and figure skates, and he tells me (rightly) that Bauer has stopped production as they are coming out with a new line in may-June, so what’s out there is out there. 

He also tells me that there is no difference between a 9D and 9EE in construction, that they use the same toe cap and same amount of material, they just stretch it at the factory, and that they have a stretcher which could stretch the skate. 

Is this to be believed, or is he blowing smoke? I’d hate to make the long drive to invest in yet another pair of skates that don’t fit properly. 

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He's blowing smoke and sounds like the type of shop owner that will knowingly put someone in an ill fitting skate if it means one less pair on his clearance shelf. 

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I say blowing smoke and it sounds to me like he's trying to sell you a D which he will then stretch to a EE for you in house.

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4 hours ago, Siponarius said:

That’s exactly what it sounds like to me, just wanted to get more info just in case 

Whilst his base statement is wrong (that Bauer stretch a D to get an EE) there is nothing wrong with his approach to fitting you in skates. If you can fit your heel into a D but your forefoot needs to be in a EE then this is the good way to solve the issue. Why stick your heel into a bigger fitting skate? The scan sized you based on the BIGGEST general measurement it found, ie what boot your overall foot will fit into. If only the scan said something like: length Nexus 8EE, heel Vapour 8C, forefoot Supreme 8EE, volume Nexus 8D.

I've stretched lots of skates for this exact reason, fit heel and length first (start with the narrowest fitting heel you can find), then volume, then forefoot width. Width can always be solved with a stretch and punch (within reason, starting with a D and trying to get 2cm's extra width isn't going to work). 

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That’s fair as well. The only place in town that has nexus is Canadian tire, they might still have a few size 9 to try and get a feel for the skate size and how much room I would need, because like you said, it won’t work if it’s 2cm. 

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