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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller Chassis/Wheels/etc For Recreational Newbie

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I'm going to convert a pair of Makos to roller, and am trying to put together as inexpensive of a package as possible. I do not need anything remotely high-end as I have no intention of playing roller hockey or anything like that. It's literally just for skating around my neighborhood. I threw this together on IW the other day and would like some feedback.



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I see you're supposed to get 50% off the IW bearings when buying 8 wheels, but the discount isn't showing in the cart. Maybe that's because you're ordering two 4 packs and not 8 individual wheels? If you get the discount then that's a good deal, if not you may want to go with these instead since they include the spacers and bearings: https://www.inlinewarehouse.com/HI-LO_608_Bearings__ABEC7__16_Pack_w_Spacers/descpage-HL7B.html

If you don't get a package that includes the spacers, it's not a huge savings, but you could get 10 spacers via ebay for $2.21US shipped from China: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/10PCS-Inline-Skate-Wheel-Bearing-Spacer-Aluminium-Alloy-Spacers-For-6mm-Axles-BT/162815215732?hash=item25e88b0874:g:Z4oAAOSwXshaPGcT

I have no experience with that chassis or the wheels, but they seem fine for an outdoor recreational setup. 


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33 minutes ago, althoma1 said:

I see you're supposed to get 50% off the IW bearings when buying 8 wheels, but the discount isn't showing in the cart. Maybe that's because you're ordering two 4 packs and not 8 individual wheels? If you get the discount then that's a good deal, if not you may want to go with these instead since they include the spacers and bearings: https://www.inlinewarehouse.com/HI-LO_608_Bearings__ABEC7__16_Pack_w_Spacers/descpage-HL7B.html

If you don't get a package that includes the spacers, it's not a huge savings, but you could get 10 spacers via ebay for $2.21US shipped from China: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/10PCS-Inline-Skate-Wheel-Bearing-Spacer-Aluminium-Alloy-Spacers-For-6mm-Axles-BT/162815215732?hash=item25e88b0874:g:Z4oAAOSwXshaPGcT

I have no experience with that chassis or the wheels, but they seem fine for an outdoor recreational setup. 


Thanks man! I may just go with that bearings pack anyway. I missed it when I was looking the first time. Works out cheaper than the $13 IW bearings + $9 spacers anyway. 

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I’d maybe look into getting labeda asphalt wheels instead of the hi/lo. They imo are the best durability and performance outdoor wheel. Otherwise all those seem like good choices for your purpose.

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34 minutes ago, Stewie said:

I’d maybe look into getting labeda asphalt wheels instead of the hi/lo. They imo are the best durability and performance outdoor wheel. Otherwise all those seem like good choices for your purpose.

Ah crap, I already ordered. Ah well, I'll give these a shot and go with the labeda next time if they don't work out. Thank you!

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In fairness I don’t really know the Hilo wheels that well, so maybe someone that’s used both can help more. 

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I see I'm a little late to the party. My suggestion would have been grabbing a cheap set of older skates to borrow the chassis and wheels from.

Anyways, the Hilo street wheels aren't great but if you are on decent concrete and aren't doing really hard stops or turns you should be alright... rotate them frequently

I'd recommend the Hilo/revision clinger outdoor wheels or labeda asphalts both last longer but are a bit more expensive

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4 minutes ago, Isles12 said:

I see I'm a little late to the party. My suggestion would have been grabbing a cheap set of older skates to borrow the chassis and wheels from.

Anyways, the Hilo street wheels aren't great but if you are on decent concrete and aren't doing really hard stops or turns you should be alright... rotate them frequently

I'd recommend the Hilo/revision clinger outdoor wheels or labeda asphalts both last longer but are a bit more expensive

I did see that the labeda asphalts are pretty pricey. Maybe as my second set.

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Pricier wheel, but it will probably last a decent while longer. Unlike the other parts that budget versions mostly are seen in performances, wheels that are better last longer, especially if they are less prone to chunking 

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36 minutes ago, Stewie said:

Pricier wheel, but it will probably last a decent while longer. Unlike the other parts that budget versions mostly are seen in performances, wheels that are better last longer, especially if they are less prone to chunking 

Yeah starting to think I should just buy a set and return the ones I ordered. 

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