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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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fix, replace cowling, or new skates

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Hey, does anyone know of a way to deal with steel that slides horizontally within the cowling? It slides about 1/4" to 1/2". Is there any way to fix this short of a new cowling? I don’t want to give up this steel because it’s perfect (unsharpened in two years and slides across the crease perfectly) Anyway; it’s an 01 or 02 Bauer 3000 (P.O.S. but I love them, I can't give them up, even if they are falling apart) any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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No...that's not what he's talking about.

He means the steel is moving around in the cowling, not the boot moving in the cowling.

Is it a regular Tuuk cowling or the T-lock?

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Yes, if the steel is moving in the cowling, you drill a hole in the plastic in the middle, it goes thru the steel. The cop rivet holds the steel in place.

I'll try to get one of my customers who we did this for to come in, I'll take a pic.

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exactly in the middle about 1/4" above where the steel is even with the cowling.

I'm still waiting for my customer to come in so I can take a pic for you.

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can I just e-mail them to someone any they put it up!!!  Those fre site are just an avenue for continual spam.

send them to me csullivan@modsquadhockey.com We already have your email address. ;)

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Chadd, I just sent you a pic.

As for installing the rivet, just measure exact center, then with a thin screwdriver gently lift up the plastic where the center point is and you will see a hole in the steel. Drill thru the plastic there and install the rivet.

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Chadd, I just sent you a pic.

As for installing the rivet, just measure exact center, then with a thin screwdriver gently lift up the plastic where the center point is and you will see a hole in the steel. Drill thru the plastic there and install the rivet.

There was no pic in your email.

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