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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Revision Hockey Wheel

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After skating in both Revisions and RR, I think it's safe to say neither is better than the other by any means. It's all about preference. Grip and speed are great with both brands. I feel the Revisions are better as far as top end speed due to the MUCH stiffer center. But, the wheel is very hard. It is something that will take some time to get used to. The RRs were soft and cushiony and a breeze to skate on, but I did feel it took something out of my speed. The Revisions have replaced that speed, but the ride is not comfortable. I don't feel bouncy and snappy like on the RRs. I felt like everytime I hit the floor with a stride, my foot bounced right back up, giving me a snappy skate. The Revisions hit the court hard. There really isn't any snap to them.

Again, it's all about preference. Both wheels grip great. The Revisions are a bit faster and lighter. Worth the $11 I paid...not too sure yet.

Since I seem to be the only one whose tried these, I will continue to post answers and reviews. I've only been on them 3 times so far. Im interested to see how they hold up. My RRs held up for full seasons without major cracks, chunks, and loss in grip. I was trully happy with the RRs. Great wheels. I just like to try new things when they come my way.

I also spoke to Damon at Epuck about this site and the Revision wheels. He's a real nice guy. He said he would be interested hearing more about the Revision product. Would be nice to see a big retailer carry their stuff.

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Hey guys,

There are some truths and also some falses to what has been said here so I would just like to clear everything up.

1. As said before, we are polar opposites from Rink Rat in terms of design. We had already begun the development of our product when RR started coming out with their original Hornet. This is how our wheel functions: there are two main variables in the wheel: the TORUS (the plastic insert) and the urethane.

The TORUS is a hollow, plastic piece that is outfitted with an Integrated Structure Ring. The TORUS is much harder than the outer urethane, however it is very flexible. You gain grip as your feet and body enter a turn because the TORUS allows for everthing to flex except the hub. There is room inside the wheel for movement. There is no loss in speed because of the Integrated Structure Ring (ISR). The ISR is a stiff, rigid mass of plastic (not steel) that is built into the outer region of the TORUS. When you are skating you are using what is called the "running surface" of your wheel. The ISR absorbs the weight and energy you put onto the "running surface" when you are in stride and it prevents any deflection from occuring. For grip you WANT the wheel to deflect...you do not want deflection when skating for speed.

Our urethane is an entirely new compound. With this compound we are able to drop our durometer levels without the risk of losing speed or durability because it is stronger than what any other manufacturer is using.

2. We offer a 30 day warranty with our wheels because we know that the wheels will not split, crack or chunk because of the new formula urethane. If a wheel does happen to do any of the above, it is because of a variation in the pouring process therefore we will replace it for free. You are able to get the natural life out of a wheel...there are no "cat-tounge" effects to the urethane, blow-outs or cracks.

3. Our wheels are designed to perform differently based on a player's weight, and whether you want a speed/grip/combo setup. The Platinum wheel has the most flexible TORUS with 70A urethane. The Gold wheel has a stiffer TORUS with 72A urethane. The Bronze wheel has the stiffest TORUS with 74A urethane. Someone said before that 2 points doesnt make a difference in the performance of the urethane....typically that is true...but when you factor in the changes in the TORUS...you are able to get a completely different feel out of each wheel. We developed a chart/table called a Matrix that shows which setup works best for each weight category.

4. Neal Piper, who is probably without question one of the most intelligent wheel designers in the world, is the founder and president of Aend Industries (parent company of Revision Hockey). Neal was also one of the original founders of Hyper back in the early 90's and he holds 9 patents in his name on wheel development. He designed the Formula-G, Kuzac Foamie, Hyper Air Control, and many others. Now I am not saying that all those wheels were the best ever made...but he was able to take the good and bad from each wheel and learned from his mistakes and he came up with the design of the TORUS.

Neal also designed the Matter Race wheel that is taking the inline racing world by storm right now. Run a search for "Matter Wheels" and see what you find. There are many threads and posts about Neal and the wheels.

Also, Aend Industries produces many of today's leading skate and long board wheels. Element, Darkstar, Blind, Alien Workshop, Cliche, Sector 9, Gold, Popwar, adn others.

The reason why I shed some light on Aend Industries is because I see that some people try and portray us as some backyard operation that doesnt know what we are doing. Truth is we are now one of the leading wheel manufacturers in the world and we are coming out with new and innovative products.

5. Yes our website looks like crap....sorry. But if you wait in about a month we will have a whole new site up that looks good and is easy to read. All we wanted was to get the point across...which it does.

6. Statistics: our company has developed machines that specifically test for grip, speed and durability. We put some of the leading wheels through the same specifications. Revision wheels obtain 30% more grip than the next closest wheel which was Rink Rat's red wheel. After that came Millenium, RR Hornet, Dynasty, Hyper Trinity, Unity, Factory Halo and Factory Z-Rated. In terms of speed, Revision and Millenium were about even but were the top two wheels in the test. RR was a close third and everyone else was behind. Durability: RR leads with about 45-50 hours of durability, Millenium is at 40 hours and Revision is at about 35 hours. Weight: our wheels are 2 grams heavier than Factory Z-Rated, who finished first. We are 12 grams lighter than RR. everyone else was in between Revision and RR.

7. There are players out there that Revision "sponsors". What we did was hand out a few sample sets to have these players test for us. They came back and literally said that they needed to skate on Revision wheels becuase of the fact they are are able to turn sharper, and skate faster than anyone else that was not skating on them. We wanted to work with the players that believe in Revision wheels. Kirk French (Mission), Colin Sharp (Hyper), Boyd Sutton (USA), Dave Cairns (RHI, Canada, Pro Ice), Johnny McGuinness (Tour Blast), Mike Cichy (TMD), Nick Dillon (Primal), Fran Bertagni (Primal), CJ Stretch (OC Blades), Thomas Stahl (TOUR 87), Brandon Pirri (Sudden Death), JJ Crew (Anaheim Bulldogs) are all players that you can go up to and ask their opinion. We didnt pay any of them a penny to say good things...it is what they believe. Boyd Sutton told us that these were the best wheels he has ever skated on...and then he agreed to be a spokesman for us.

8. Also, ALL of our wheels are manufactured in Huntington Beach, CA. We do not go over-seas like EVERYONE else. We have great quality control, better materials, better success in producing high-end wheels.

9. We are moving away from the hollow-core we have been using. The new core will allow for a more aerodynamic look, but most importanly it will fix the delamination issues that we encountered. The new wheel will be ready in about a month. I will keep anyone who is interested posted on the details.

10. Last thing I have to say is that IT IS ALL PREFERNCE. If you get a chance to skate on Revisions and you like them....awesome. If not, skate what works best for you. We have a wheel that is comprised of new technology and many people claim that they work very well. So give them a try and see what you think.

11. Mike Hunt from RR compared our wheel to a car tire, with air on the inside stating that our wheels compress. With our wheel, his analogy is false because the ISR does not deflect. It provides strength and integrity within the wheel and allows for speed to be obtained.

For those of you who are still reading this post....wow! Thank you...lol. If anyone has any questions or concerns or anything....post them up, email me, or give me a call. I will be glad to answer. Thank you for the time.


Nick Dowling

Roller Hockey Product Manager

Revision Hockey



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Just so were straight, I compared our wheel with a car tire, with the exception that instead of air we replaced it with a highly resiliant superball..I told people exactly what your wheel has in it a hollowed out section that is filled with air.

Thats all,

Hope your doing well Nick.


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Thanks for the great post. And I did read it all. Since I am a proud owner of your product, I felt I had to do myself the justice of reading all I can about them.

I like your info. I also liked that your results were honest in testing. You even mentioned that your wheel came in 3rd in durability behind RR and Millen. That's honest, I can buy that. I'm not a scientist, but I have been playing Roller for many years and I know what I should expect from wheels. I've tried them all, liked some, hated many. I can honesty say RR is my favorite right now. However, I have only been on the Revis. 3 times. The grip is great and the speed is unbeatable in my book. Im just not used to the stiffness. I have been on RRs for 2 seasons now, and they were cushy. Im currently using a Gold-G-G-Platinum setup. I weigh 165lbs. Im sure Ill get used to them, and I look forward to skating on them more. I have to do another pair of skates, so I might go all Platinum on them. Not sure. But again, thanks for being honest, and it's cool you put your number on there and stuff. That type of availability is very respectable from a salesman, and I have only seen that kind of service from Mission, who have also been very good to me (Thanks Justin!)

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8. Also, ALL of our wheels are manufactured in Huntington Beach, CA. We do not go over-seas like EVERYONE else. We have great quality control, better materials, better success in producing high-end wheels.


care to elaborate on this, are you saying everyone else who does a high end wheel has it made overseas?? I find that a little hard to believe..

most OEM stuff I know is made over there in the rec/fit stuff since they don't have to worry about the same emission standards,etc..but i would think most bravo, elasco, creative, mearthane etc is made here...

wonder if any of the other companies will come out here..

Jim A

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Mike - Thanks, things are going well. Will you be in Corona for that NICC Tournament? Hopefully. The way you make it sound is that Revision wheels compress like a tire filled with air...I just to want to clarify that although they are hollow...they do not compress as I think you say they do. I guess just a little miscommunication.

#96 - Thank you. I think that you might get a better feel by putting Platinum on the outside and Gold on the inside. Though I think you may be on an early version of the wheel since you are saying they feel very stiff. Can you call me at the office as I would like to get a better understanding as to which wheels you are on and how to best set you up.

JimA - I cant get into great detail but I know of many companies that produce most of their wheels overseas. I overstated when I said ALL and EVERYONE...but it is alot. You seem to know quite a bit about the industry...are you involved in any way?? Im curious.


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You'd know me by sight...i work for NARCh ,etc..I don't think we've ever been formally introduced by I think we were talking at Reno towards the end briefly..

Jim A

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I thought the name sounded familiar. Yes okay...we were talking about sticks....and you tried to shoot the puck into the net from outside the rink???

What is the next Narch event you will be at?

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that was Butler, but yeah I was around for that..a pretty nice shot from the midway into the far net though!

I'm the only non Cali guy..so i handle a lot of middle US and east stuff..Oregon is the only West Coast one I do this year..so i'll probably see you at Finals

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The way you make it sound is that Revision wheels compress like a tire filled with air...I just to want to clarify that although they are hollow...they do not compress as I think you say they do. I guess just a little miscommunication.


Mike, as he stated, was talking about Rink Rat wheels....if you read his post again....referring to the softer inner layer compressing "like the air in a tire", to allow the outside harder material to deflect and thus increase the grip......He was not talking about the hollow in your wheels.

He went on to say that the difference between a car tire with air, and his high rebound material was that the air does not rebound like the bouncy ball material....I disagree with this actually, as air contained under pressure has quite a high rate of elasticity, directly proportional to the pressure. If he was comparing it to a car tire with no air pressure, his analogy would be correct.

Who's coming out with a wheel filled with high pressure gas?....light, high rebound...."explosive" action from your wheels as they heat up...... :P

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Labeda wheels are not made overeseas but out of Lake Elsinore, CA. We do make an OEM price point wheel overseas but every other wheel is made with the highest grade specially formulated urethanes available and manufactured in the good ol' USA!

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Wow that was a long drawn out explanation, but detailed, that's for sure. Maybe I'm just simplistic, but all of these inner ring things and super bouncy stuff is just confusing. I'm just an old school player and the more I read about this stuff, it just makes me annoyed. All of these things are just gimmicks. 10 years ago, there was Hyper, kryptonics and Labeda, now there are a million wannabe new wheel brands claiming to have the new and improved super tested this and that. The simple fact is that wheels need to be round and grippy. Everything else is just bull in my opinion. I can't remember such a "wheel war" back then. Hyper made a good grippy wheel and Kryptonics did too. Then labeda came out with the gripper, which was pretty good too. Now it seems like everyone else is trying to re-invent the wheel to make a buck at our expense.

Give me a good grippy inexpensive wheel like the Formula G and I'll take that over any of these other wheels anyday.

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Dynasty- I see how this all may seem confusing to you...but as time progresses so does technology. I know to you a wheel is just a wheel and that is that. But truth is that there are many improvements to be made of what has been and what is being introduced.

Would you rather use a computer made in 1984 that runs on 450kb and 250megs of ram with a 8" moniter or do you want the new Mac G5? Technology advances and there are contstant ways to improve how things are done. Look at cars, satellites, TV, anything.

Mike feel free to chime in hear because I know that at least we are not in this for the money...Im sure your not either. Because there is no money to be made in this industry. We do it because we feel we can contribute and make roller hockey better...I know that sounds cheasy\...very cheasy... but its the honest truth. We do it to stay in business...not get rich.

As I said before...if Formula-G's work for you...stick with them. But know that as hockey grows...which everyone wants it to...the industry and manufacturing side of it has to grow along with it or else everything dies.

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All of these things are just gimmicks. 10 years ago, there was Hyper, kryptonics and Labeda, now there are a million wannabe new wheel brands claiming to have the new and improved super tested this and that. The simple fact is that wheels need to be round and grippy. Everything else is just bull in my opinion.

Sorry Dynasty I need to differ... I have been using and testing wheels for years, and can definitely say that the grip afforded by these new technologies is FAR superior to the grip from those older wheels....even to the point that this techology has changed the way the game is played. Players instead of sliding into a stop, or making a big circle to turn due to lack of grip, can stop and turn on a dime...something which the old wheels would not let you do, unless you were on wood floor where many of the older wheels would also grip beautifully. However on the new synthetic floors, those older wheels are definitely behind on the grip curve when compared to some of the new stuff.

Depending on where you play....meaning which type of surface, some of your observations could also be correct. On wood floors like I mentioned above where a lot of wheels will grip perfectly, and then there are some other older floors where nothing will grip.

We have a local rink which has a latex painted concrete surface....and even the grippiest of the new tech wheels will not stick....

So if you were playing on either of these extremes, I could see why you say what you did. If I only saw the performance of these wheels on floors like these, and had paid that much money for them, I would feel like I was being ripped off too because they would not make any difference...But when you go over to a sport court facility, or similar, then you can really see and feel the improvements that have been made. These artificial floors were developed I think more to provide a better sliding surface for the puck, than for skating grip, and wheel technology has been catching up ever since. Some of the very latest floors have finally addressed both issues....providing both a better puck playing surface, as well as increased skating friction.

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My thoughts on this,

I haven't commented on Dynasty's remarks because his arguement is that everything is a gimmick and he could care less, so why bother trying to explain. So I haven't.....

As far as making money. Nobody is in this industry for the good of there health. Were all here to make money and make a living "nothing wrong with that"

But there are a few of us out there that do care about the sport and have a passion for our game. I can honsetly tell you this if Rink Rat couldn't make a difference in the game and the way the game is played we wouldn't be in it...

We strongly believe that we have changed the game with the best wheel in the world... This doesn't mean it is just because I say so....Talk to the people across the county and across the world who have tried the product and ask them what they think...The response has been overwelming...and as my friend Nick has said before we can all come on these boards and talk up the products we represent and try to convince you to try them...In the end we hope you use what works for you, Whether it's Rink Rat, or one of our competetitors use what works for you!!!!

Also all our wheels "with the exception of our price point VT733 & VT333" are made here right in the good ol' USA "Rhode Island"

sorry for the long read guys.

Nick, I will be in Vegas Jan 31-Feb 3rd and then Corona Feb 12-13 se you there!


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Glad to see so many competitors can keep things civil. This is the type of participation we love to see from industry sources.

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Glad to see so many competitors can keep things civil. This is the type of participation we love to see from industry sources.

I agree. Although I've always favored Labeda wheels, I like listening to everyone's opinions, which makes me interested in trying other brands. But it's good to see the industry make their statements without slashing out.

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On a quick side note. This site is awesome. I love how so many different competitors can come on here and discuss there products in a civil manner. I think that shows great professionalism from all the companies. In fact the next time i go to get wheels ill have to go and try out both.

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