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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Changing from p88 to p38 (Datsyuk) curve

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Has anyone changed from p88 to p38/w16 Datsyuk curve? I saw some forums of ppl raving about the Datsyuk curve. What's the difference besides square toe and what would I expect? 

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Bigger curve, but more open face. When I did it the biggest adjustments I had to make was on the back hand (harder to get under it for air due to the larger curve) and snapshots (bit higher due to the open face and bit further off to the strong side due to the bigger curve).

Benefits were was a little easier to catch passes and stick handle (again, because of the bigger curve).

Shouldn’t take that long to adjust.  

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The P38 is NOT as open as a P88. It is very much like a PM9 with 1/8" more depth in the curve. The P88 has the same depth as the P38 but is a true mid curve. Where the PM9 and the P38 curve much closer to the heel. This allows you (or me at least) to really rip accurate passes with power without it turning more into a shot. The P38 and the PM9 both allow me to snipe hard and low. Which in beer league I find very useful as most of the goalies have trouble reacting with their lower body as quick as they can with their hands. The P88 likes to launch the puck into the glass. I even prefer a P40 or X88 over a P88 because even though they are 1/16" deeper, they don't open up quite as much. The P38 is also maybe the closest retail blade to a pro max blade. There is just a ton of surface area.

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6 hours ago, ParabolicActivity said:

 The P38 is also maybe the closest retail blade to a pro max blade.

Not for long - I believe there are going to be a couple max height options in the near future.

The difference in rocker on the two blades is significant as well, I feel (with the p88 having a bit more).

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