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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ADVICE NEEDED: Chipped toe in ADV/1x lite

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Hey guys,

i recently bought an adv dressed as a 1x lite on sideline swap. After messaging back and forth with the seller, he assured me there were no chips in the toe/blade. 3 days later the stick shows up with a chip. I wanted to ask everyone’s advice if I shouldn’t make a big deal of it and if it can be repaired. I was thinking maybe I could sand it down just a hir? I don’t think I will get my money back, so I am trying to salvage it. 


there are pics of it  



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That chip could decrease the life of the stick/blade. I'd make a stink just on principle. Even if you don't get your money back, put a black mark on the seller's rep.  Sellers like this are counting on a buyer being a nice guy and not making a big deal. 


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If you clearly asked the seller if there were any chips and he said no in the sideline swap messages the chances of you getting a refund are pretty decent.

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My experience with sideline swap on a stick that was advertised as new and arrived clearly having been used and with some cracking in the heel was not so great.  Luckily it was cheap enough that it wasn't a a huge problem, but I wouldn't expect Sideline Swap themselves to do much if the seller argues with you.

That said, it sure wouldn't hurt to go back to the seller and see if they'll do something to make it right.


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Well, I did get a partial refund. It wasnt the best situation, but it was okay, i guess. I ended up sanding the toe down a bit with a very fine grit sand paper. 2 weeks later i took a blade or skate to the middle of the blade and there is a huge gash in it now. I wonder if the chip letter moisture into the blade and softened it. Anyways, thanks for all of your guys/ help.

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