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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM skates > Bauer skates in terms of value?

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In my recent quest to find a new skate the last 2-3 months, I've started to notice a general trend across all the skates regardless of model or price point between CCM and Bauer. I thought it'd be fun to hear everyone's opinions on this.

Is CCM offering better value, dollar-for-dollar, with their skates than Bauer at this point?

Consider the Jetspeed FT380 ($400), which feature Rocket Frame composite quarter, heat moldable Speed Core 2 (as stiff as top of the line from previous generation), vented outsole, comfort edge padding, anti-wear/abrasion material near top of collar, etc.

Now compare that to the Vapor x700 ($400), which has fiber composite quarter (!?), no vented outsole, no comfort edge, no anti-wear patch, etc.

Even the $300 FT370 already has a composite quarter with Speed Core 1, comfort edge, and vented outsole. Some of the FT380 features don't show up until top 2 price points of Bauer.

What are some of the features of a Bauer skate that is perhaps more difficult to advertise that justify their pricing? Are the Curv composite that show up in the $500-$550 range that much superior to the equivalent CCM speed core 3 and rocket frame, for example?

I'm still going to probably end up with a Bauer because my feet just doesn't get along with CCM skates (and that ultimately is most important), but it does seem interesting to notice the different directions Bauer and CCM are going.

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Bauer can charge a higher premium because their brand is stronger.  CCM has definitely improved in this regard, but Bauer still has a large chunk of the market share in the skate market.  I have seen many a person buy Bauer skates just because of the name, regardless of whether the skate was a correct fit or good value to them.  There is cost in the brand, just like in other industries (i.e. Apple)

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To the OP. In some regards yes, CCM is giving the customer more for less. The Ribcor 68k and Tacks 9090 are fantastic skates at an extremely reasonable price. Does that translate into to higher sales, maybe, maybe not. Someone like CCM who has very little share of the skate market can gain some of that back by offering skates like that. Only problem is skates have fit characteristics. So while the 68k may give you more skate for the money, the Bauer with less features may fit better.

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