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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hello, My stepsteel has a lot of marks on the edges at the moment (have only sharpened once) how do I go about getting rid of these since you aren't suppose to stone them?
  2. I got 2 pairs of tydan black for 140 bucks off sidelineswap (pro player had 10 pairs and wanted to sell extras) I also have a pair of step steel black. They are very similar, I prefer the Tydans because of the profile I like more on both pairs but they are both very similar all around.
  3. Does anyone skate with them unprofiled or does everyone get them profiled for the most part P
  4. I'm going from ls3 to black step steel is the profile similar? Does anyone use step steel without profiling?
  5. You just rub it down like a stone?
  6. Does anyone have a link of the leather they use to hone? I don't know how to do it or what type to use. Thanks!
  7. Does anyone know if CCM 710 will fit a re-akt cage on it? Also does anyone know how the sizing would be compared to a IMS 9.0? (Kinda random)
  8. The IW bag started flaking really bad for me, I had to get a new bag, it wasn't ripped or anything but there would be little piece everywhere in the bag everytime I opened it.
  9. That curve is perfect... I need.
  10. I wore mine for the first time on Wednesday, I think I need to re-bake my skates with these in them because I had the worst pain ever in the middle of my foot when I took my skate off I could barely stand up, the problem is I already baked my skates twice so I don't really wanna do it again. They were super comfortable when I tried them on before hand I guess they are just not for me. If I baked my skates again I think they would be good to go with these but I don't like baking skates more than twice. Oh well, if anyone wants my pair I used them for one skate I can send them to you if you pay shipping :) message me
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