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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Suggestions on how to remove scratches from plastic toe cap

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One of our regular customers recently bought a pair of custom FT1 skates and is frustrated that the toe cap is already getting beat up badly in such a short period of time. Lots of little scratches and scuffs. Nothing major, but he apparently has OCD and it's driving him insane. 

He asked if I could buff or polish out the scratches and while I think that shouldn't be an issue I have never tried doing such myself on a hockey skate toe cap.

I tried to explain to him that wear and tear will happen, since it's hockey, but he insists his old Bauers always looked like new and didn't wear as poorly as these new skates. Seems like he is blaming CCM for their selection of plastic which he says is "too soft." 

Rather than debate with him endlessly. Does anyone have some input? Can I do what he is asking with 3000 grit sandpaper and a rotary buffer? Is there another option? 



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Try a polish made for plastics with the buffer first.  Wet sanding and polishing is more for leveling scratches or bringing cloudy headlamps back to clarity.  Not sure how it would work on the skate toe cap.

Other option is try it on an old beat up skate and see what the results are like.


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0paatoc polish and a nice buffing pad worked out well. I wonder if there's anything that I could put on it to prevent it from scratching or at least that another protective layer? 

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There are products that add a protective layer over the clear coat paints on cars called coatings that act as a sacrificial barrier.  Not sure that they would work on plastic though.

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I wonder if his old skates were Bauer Supreme 5000's with the fabric over the toe cap?
Even those got shredded back when I had a pair. 
I have never seen a toe cap that didnt get scratched.

As for polishing out fine scratches, you could try Mothers plastic polish 

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Get him those plastic toe covers that came with the Bauer inline skates in the 90s. Since their inline skates had the same cloth as the ice skates, rollers came with this plastic cover that fit over the toe, and hooked through laces. 

He can put those on when he plays, then take them off for when he displays the skates over his mantel or uses them as a dinner table centerpiece.

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Wasn't there a picture of Evander Kane using a heat gun on his toe caps? Heat up the plastic, smooth it over, let it cool.

BTW, does this guy tape his stick after every shift too?

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