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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where to find well-used steel?

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I have asymmetrical legs (my left leg is longer than my right). This is extremely debilitating to my left turns. I've attempted to remedy this by using a shorter steel on my left skate (I had some old skates that weren't being used and I cannibalized the steel). The result has been a significantly improved right turn but still plenty of room for improvement. I have 2 pairs of skates in circulation and noticed that the differential in length was greater on one pair. Unsurprisingly, my left turns were more fluid on that pair.


Obviously I'm interested in experimenting with an even shorter steel in the hopes of improving my turns, but where to find them?

Skates are Easton Makos

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2 hours ago, Amazinmets73 said:

Will lifts compromise the integrity of my boot? 

No, it is really the only way to fix legs that are different lengths. Lifts / shims are fitted all the time to skates.

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They aren't sold in predetermined sizes; we cut them to order and will need the skates to do so.

But it is extremely important to find out what the discrepancy actually is.

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On 8/18/2018 at 4:29 PM, JR Boucicaut said:

They aren't sold in predetermined sizes; we cut them to order and will need the skates to do so.

But it is extremely important to find out what the discrepancy actually is.

It's unlikely I'll be able to afford an orthopedic evaluation; How imprecise is a self-measurement likely to be? 



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15 hours ago, Amazinmets73 said:

It's unlikely I'll be able to afford an orthopedic evaluation; How imprecise is a self-measurement likely to be? 



Considering that you're skating with no compensation now and its working (though it could be better), I don't see any reason you can't just take a stab at the measurement/shim thickness to use and see if you like the result.  You can always change the shim later if you need to (though it'll be another hassle to get it done again, of course).

Just my "I didn't even stay in a Holiday Inn" opinion.  🙂


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14 hours ago, Amazinmets73 said:

It's unlikely I'll be able to afford an orthopedic evaluation; How imprecise is a self-measurement likely to be? 



I suppose not, but some of us like to be able to get it perfectly fixed for their customers.

Marka is right in the sense that if it's too little or too much, it's not permanent.

What is the difference in steel height right now?

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