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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Verbero Sticks

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I know a guy who had a Cypress. He was on his third one when he finally gave up. The first one broke the first time he used it. 

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I remain skeptical, but I couldn't resist trying one at a sale price. I'll post my reactions once I get it and try it out.  Here's hoping it lasts more than one skate...

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There should be a review on the older sticks here. It was light, but had poor puck feel and balance and was like most cheap non-brand sticks. Even at $60 I wouldn't buy one. Maybe for the Mercury but not the older ones.

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I picked up a couple of Cypresses on sale - one v92 and one v28, both 95 flex.  I haven't tried them out yet, but they're light, feel reasonably well-balanced, and are about what I'd expect flex wise.  To my eye, the 92 looks like it starts a bit deeper in the heel then a Backstrom/some other clones.  I will note that the grip/finish seems a bit weird.  One of the sticks had a very tacky grip, almost as though some adhesive had been left on it.  The other was way less tacky, but still a little "stickier" than I generally like my grip.  We'll see how they do on the ice... 

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