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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Monkey sports Twigz

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I was looking at the hockey monkey new arrivals and saw these new sticks that monkey sports is manufacturing. The fact that they are coming factory direct makes the high end SL priced at only $149 USD, marketed as 415 grams with a mid kick this product could be a steal. They also sell a ST version for $89 weighing 495 grams and a XT version for $59 at 590 grams. I imagine they stand for Super Light(SL), Super Tough(ST), and Extra Tough(XT).

It will be interesting to see the balance and pop on these new sticks and if people will be picking any up.

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1 hour ago, clarkiestooth said:

Why would you buy one of the SL when you can buy an actual pro stock stick for far less.

Warranty I would assume. Where do you get pro stocks for less than that? I’d like to pick some of those up.

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On 9/29/2018 at 3:00 PM, Novotnoa said:

Warranty I would assume. Where do you get pro stocks for less than that? I’d like to pick some of those up.

HockeyMonkey actually sells pro stock sticks for less than that (or around the same price).  ProStockHockey.com & Hockeystickman.com generally have a number of options for $100-$150.  And, if you have the patience to wade through postings, bid, etc., there's always ebay.

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