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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm sticks

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Need some help, by today stick lines, ribcore, tacks and jetspeed which is the equivalent or the most similar to the vector line, in this case the V6 / 8.0 ops. thanksImagem relacionada

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Why current CCM sticks, and why the V6 or V8? Sticks, particularly CCM sticks have come a LONG WAY since then. Even low level sticks are going to have better feel and balance and pop than those. I don't think there's a direct analog to those now. Maybe Vector to Sickick to Ribcor, but it's certainly not a direct line. That was kind of the dark ages of sticks for CCM. Almost anything you buy today is an upgrade. 

Vectors didn't have the engineered low kick points you'll see on Ribcors or Coverts, but they weren't a mid-kick like a Nexus or Tacks. They were tapered to force the kickpoint lower. Maybe the Warrior Alpha with the "low, but not really that low" kickpoint would be similar in kickpoint placement.  

My generic go to answer if people don't know what stick to buy is the True 4.5. Great value and has good feel because it's all one piece construction, as opposed to being a fused 2 piece. It's hard to find a negative review of it, unless it's people being kind of snobby about only buying top tier sticks. 

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