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Visor Screws....REALLY?!?

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This is the best they can do?!? Or, did I do something wrong?

if I didn’t do anything wrong you would think they would have engineered a small wedged spacer or a bevel to the lower edges of the slots.

Its irritating that the visor moves as you tighten the screws due to uneven pressure....or should I say total lack of pressure on half of the screw.5dg312L.jpgFNW1JOZ.jpgJXPddF7.jpg


Edited by h4ckb0x7

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I’d been told once long ago that optically the visor works most effectively when it bows outward, hence the spacers being angled as they are. That being said, I used to install thin washers between the screw and visor, you can tighten them more effectively without cracking the visor. 



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I had the same issue even with the other type of spacers that angle like that. The good thing about those is that it doesn't cause your visor to pull the sides of the helmet out like it does with the old school circle washers.  The bad thing is, well, what you posted. By using wasters between the screw and visor, it helped it sit more flush. But you'll need screws long enough to work with additional washers. 

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Easier to take care of your visor if it is a removable clip model. Every game I pull mine off , put into my helmet bag(now a visor bag) and jam it inside my helmet so it is always protected while being transported or just sitting in my bag. For most ppl(hockey players) I would think it seems like extra effort but alas I have only bought 2 visors in the last 6 years( assuming the first Bauer clip model came out 6 yrs ago) or so.

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41 minutes ago, All Flash said:

Easier to take care of your visor if it is a removable clip model. Every game I pull mine off , put into my helmet bag(now a visor bag) and jam it inside my helmet so it is always protected while being transported or just sitting in my bag. For most ppl(hockey players) I would think it seems like extra effort but alas I have only bought 2 visors in the last 6 years( assuming the first Bauer clip model came out 6 yrs ago) or so.

Don't think it's any diff than putting your helmet in a helmet bag, without having to remove the visor. I had the Bauer hdo clip visors and never really took it off other than switching visors. I've kept my helmet with visor attached in a helmet bag for as long as I rmbr and never had issues.

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Just put the CCM vr25 on my warrior Alpha one pro and no issues with the screw sitting flush with the spacers and screws it came with. 

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