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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Super tacks 2.0 vs as1

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I have the super tacks 2.0 but I was wondering how the new as1 compares to it? Are they the same kick point or did they replace the ft1 with the as1 for high kick? I love how my super tacks 2.0 shoots and I wanted to make sure the as1 is the same kick point. Thanks

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4 minutes ago, Nolan88 said:

I have the super tacks 2.0 but I was wondering how the new as1 compares to it? Are they the same kick point or did they replace the ft1 with the as1 for high kick? I love how my super tacks 2.0 shoots and I wanted to make sure the as1 is the same kick point. Thanks

Ft1 was a constant kick high, mid, low. That was replaced by the hybrid Jetspeed where the kick point is above and below the CCM branding at the bottom of the shaft. The AS1 like the ST2.0 is a mid kick. While they may have expanded the range in the AS1 (not 100% sure) it is the true successor to the ST2.0.

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I have both sticks.  In terms of flex point I know that are different but not in any huge way.  I am comfortable with both.  The 2.0 ha hgrewat puck feel.  Its the same blade but I I felt like the puck comes off the 2.0 blade a bit quicker.  That might be related to the flex profile... not sure. Truth is both feel nice.

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I started playing the game again a few years ago and (very luckily) had the financial ability to buy several different curve types and stick options. I recently got my first ST2.0 and have been selling all of my other sticks to buy up more. The kick on these sticks is so powerful. I have also been wondering about comparisons to the AS1 as I have slowly become a big fan of the P19 and there are a few available at my LHS with the P19 (pro stock) curve.

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