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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Counterfit Sticks

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How often, if ever, do counterfeit sticks pop up? There is a stick on sidelineswap right now that I would like to buy that looks totally legit. But the pic of where is has the player name, pattern and lie, the lie listed is different from every other one of these sticks I have ever seen. Is there a chance this is a fake?

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I mean it looks legit...but what is strange to me is that all 3 brands have the exact same wrapper...which isn't the case.  CCM's is usually milky, not clear, and Warrior's is open-ended on both sides.  

And is Larkin still on the stick?  And since when is it a lie 6?

I'd ask him for a picture of the warranty sticker.

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That Lie 6 would really give me pause.  I have never heard of one of those in a 6 lie, and it’s not like it’s a popular enough curve like the P92 where they can offer it in multiple lies.

 And, it might just be the lighting and angle, but the name bar seems to be in a “bold” white font,  as opposed to the light gray Bauer usually uses. 

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