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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin guard closest to Easton Synergy line?

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My old easton shin guards are falling apart.  What I  liked about them is airflow and light weight and of course low profile.  I am playing in an old persons league as a forward so mobility is everything.  I do drop and block so I need some protection but not beefy.

What brand is similar?  The CCM Jetspeeds look like the same type of shape Easton had but I am not sure?

Many thanks everyone!


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2 minutes ago, Joeysallamander said:

Thank you.  I saw those and are bit too big.  I am hoping some other brand will be similar.


Yeah, no worries. I think Vapor and Jetspeeds are the lowest profile that bauer and ccm make as far as i know. Older stuff pops up on sideline swap and eBay all the time, so keep your eyes peeled.

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Honestly, nothing on the market right now is similar to the Easton Synergy line of shins. What size do you wear? The new Bauer Supreme equipment coming out later this year will be the most similar. 

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Interested in this as well.  I borrowed a pair of Easton’s a couple months ago and loved them precisely for the fact that they were so “tailored”.  I was thinking STX Surgeons might be similar?

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19 hours ago, Joeysallamander said:

How is CCM Jetspeed FT1?  or Vapor Lite 800?

The problem with both the Jet Speed and Vapor is they are flared aggressively and not as form-fitting and low profile as the Synergy line. 

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22 hours ago, Joeysallamander said:

I wear a 14 

I dunno the STX does not have airflow holes.  Rinks are getting hotter these days and I sweat bullets.  Are the STX light weight?

The STX top of the line is lightweight but still heavier than other top of the lines brands like Bauer and CCM. They also don't breathe as well as other brands. However, they fit nicely. 

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I wear the 2016 vapor 1x and they are great. Cant compare to the eastons though. I tried on the bauer 1s and vapor 2018 1x at the lhs and did not like the strapping system on the new vapor 1x and found the vapor to fit better than the 1s especially with my skate tongues flopped. I found a good deal on the 2016 vapor 1x and glad i got them.

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I have never noticed any difference in shin guard ventilation, my gear is always soaked no matter how fancy the liners and ventilation holes are. The only difference I notice is how fast the equipment dries after the skate.

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