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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to access Bauer 3d scan?

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Got scanned w/Bauer again while I was waiting for yet more rivets to be replaced on my makos...

My understanding was that I'd be able to access the scan results via an emailed link, but the only thing I see in email is something where I can activate my profile... When I do that, I don't get anything else that indicates how to actually look at the scan results...

Anyone know how to do that?  I'd have sworn that others here have shared links to volumental's site to share their scan results...


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If anyone is interested, I did it twice.  First scan is at

Second one is at

Interesting that I got reasonably different results on my left foot between those two.  Both were done barefoot with a slight knee bend.  I'd have said that my weight was centered and I was in the same position, but perhaps not?

I currently am using 7.5D Mako M8's.  They're in the "well used, but not destroyed" stage at this point I'd say.  I've had them for something like 2 years now, skating on average probably 4 to 5 times a week.  I'd recently been noticing that my heel seemed to occasionally lift in the skate.

To me, looking at these scans nothing is jumping out at me in terms of "need customs", but ??  I'd have guessed that I had fairly narrow ankles with a wide forefoot, but not exactly sure what that is on the scans... Ankle Wrap maybe?  I'm a little nervous that an EE width Supreme wouldn't give me a good heel lock.


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59 minutes ago, marka said:


If anyone is interested, I did it twice.  First scan is at

Second one is at

Interesting that I got reasonably different results on my left foot between those two.  Both were done barefoot with a slight knee bend.  I'd have said that my weight was centered and I was in the same position, but perhaps not?

I currently am using 7.5D Mako M8's.  They're in the "well used, but not destroyed" stage at this point I'd say.  I've had them for something like 2 years now, skating on average probably 4 to 5 times a week.  I'd recently been noticing that my heel seemed to occasionally lift in the skate.

To me, looking at these scans nothing is jumping out at me in terms of "need customs", but ??  I'd have guessed that I had fairly narrow ankles with a wide forefoot, but not exactly sure what that is on the scans... Ankle Wrap maybe?  I'm a little nervous that an EE width Supreme wouldn't give me a good heel lock.


For what it’s worth, I shoved my foot in 7.5d makos for some years now because I got them at a good price.  Looking to get some better fitting skates, The scanner kept telling 6.5EE nexus, so basically that my feet were the equivalent of bricks. I ended up getting 7.0D nexus, and I’m really liking them. Can’t imagine that I’d be as short as a 6.5, and I wouldn’t want any wider a skate. 

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13 hours ago, marka said:


If anyone is interested, I did it twice.  First scan is at

Second one is at

Interesting that I got reasonably different results on my left foot between those two.  Both were done barefoot with a slight knee bend.  I'd have said that my weight was centered and I was in the same position, but perhaps not?

I currently am using 7.5D Mako M8's.  They're in the "well used, but not destroyed" stage at this point I'd say.  I've had them for something like 2 years now, skating on average probably 4 to 5 times a week.  I'd recently been noticing that my heel seemed to occasionally lift in the skate.

To me, looking at these scans nothing is jumping out at me in terms of "need customs", but ??  I'd have guessed that I had fairly narrow ankles with a wide forefoot, but not exactly sure what that is on the scans... Ankle Wrap maybe?  I'm a little nervous that an EE width Supreme wouldn't give me a good heel lock.


When you go for customs and stock boots, they should get you to try on a range of boots just to confirm the scan. That way you know for sure. 

It might be an idea to create a thread with links to these scans, with a heading giving the recommended boot model and size. It's interesting to see the different shaped feet! 

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It's why I take the Bauer & CCM scans with a grain of salt. They seem to latch on to some aspect of your foot and recommend a line because of a particular characteristic. I also got some wonky results with my right foot on the Bauer scanner which scared me away from pursuing their custom options. For a stock skate, it recommended that I needed a 11EE Vapor, which I'm assuming is due to my flat feet, even though I had to have my 12EE Nexus stretched to be widened as well as had lacebite pads installed due to how much volume that my feet and lower legs take up. I believe them to be a good guide and a way to figure out a starting point to get fitted for retail skates but I wouldn't buy anything that it recommended without trying them on first.

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