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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got my easton from toy drive but...

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OK i got a package from fed-ex today and 1 st thing 1 st.

I was suposed to get 3 stick but only got one maybe they where sent in different package.

2nd:the curve i received is a Modano (3 rd choice) but the funny thing is this,on the invoice of easton it says this

Description: STLTH 100 forsberg LH

And was sent from Utah

So one down 2 to go (i Hope)

Anyone did not received all there stick in the same package?

Oh and Mods sorry for this new topic about the ETD but i know that most of the participant where from Here :).

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The Modano has become the Forsberg since Modano has now gone to Reebok. Easton's distribution center is in Utah which is why it was shipped from there. As for the sticks you received, there was probably a shortage of sticks so that is why you wound up with only one of your third choice. I'm sure the rest will be forthcoming.

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Yea i posted on EMB to ask Guru just to be sure aboiut the other stick.The other 2 i asked is Gaborik-skic and a lidstrom.Anyway i am happy i saw one arrive :).

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In a related/not related question... anyone know if Easton is re-badging the Shanny as something else for the '05 year?

I believe the days of Shanny (aka Bananahan) are history. I know they're done on the higher-end sticks anyway, not sure about blades, woodies.

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In a related/not related question... anyone know if Easton is re-badging the Shanny as something else for the '05 year?

if u look on the new easton web page that JR posted, you'll see that there aren't any senior yzerman or shanny curves except on the wood sticks (classic)

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Still no sticks for me. I am going to try to play next Friday night....hopefully they'll be here by then or I'm stuck using my awesome back-up stick - an Easton Aluminum Pro Axis...lol.

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