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Custom Bauer 1X holder size

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Hey guys!

I've ordered my new bauer 1x, with these options: L-9 0 , R- 8 3/4

When I got my new skates, I've found out already mounted holders 272mm, but the LHS guy who helping me during the order told me that mybauer usually mount 280mm size on same size for retail ones

Second point is the look of skates - seems like that 272 is really small (roughly 1cm gap from border of outsole on the toe and 1,5cm on the heel side)

Is anybody here to make it clear?

Thanks!Отображается файл "image1.jpeg"Отображается файл "image3.jpeg"Отображается файл "image2.jpeg"

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I didn’t ask mybauer to mount something exactly - it just happened

In fact - there was not any point about holder size in the spec

all that I’m worrying is it normally or not

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1 hour ago, althoma1 said:

The retail holder sizes for Bauer are as follows for skates around your size:

8.5D 272mm

8.5EE 280mm

9D and 9EE 280mm

Actually, size 7.5EE and 8D are 272. 

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1 hour ago, Furyan said:

I didn’t ask mybauer to mount something exactly - it just happened

In fact - there was not any point about holder size in the spec

all that I’m worrying is it normally or not

No, this sizing is not normal. 

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12 minutes ago, Nicholas G said:

Actually, size 7.5EE and 8D are 272. 

Agreed that 7.5EE and 8D are 272, but I believe 8.5D is as well. Bauer always sizes up at the half size in EE width. So 7.5D is 263 and 7.5EE is 272. 8.5D is 272 and 8.5EE is 280. 

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8 hours ago, althoma1 said:

Agreed that 7.5EE and 8D are 272, but I believe 8.5D is as well. Bauer always sizes up at the half size in EE width. So 7.5D is 263 and 7.5EE is 272. 8.5D is 272 and 8.5EE is 280. 

Yes, 8.5D is 272, but the manufacturer typically selects the larger of the two holders and with a 3/4 skate they round up in holder size typically. He should be in 280 at a minimum. 

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5 hours ago, Furyan said:

Is it safety for outsole structure to remount 280 instead of 271? I mean drilling new holes near by existed ones

Yes, just fill in the old holes first and make sure to have a shop that knows what they are doing handle the work. 

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Thanks, JR

Actually it's easier way for me to remount holder in LHS for few bucks than having a deep dive in to the huge corporate machine like Bauer -))

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