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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX vs. Vapor XXX Fit

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Just wondering, is the XX a more comfortable and easier to break in skate than the XX? Also, how much lighter is the XXX? It semmed to me that the XXX wasn't as rigid with a little more give. Info is appreciated.

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Cavs I heard that the xxx's are supposed to last a lot longer than the xx's. How long did it take for your xx's to break down?

I am curious because my cousin was going through a pair of xx's about every 3 months, and I dont want to be doing that with xxx's.

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Ouch! Cavs, you're scaring me. I have about 3 games and a practice on my XXX's. When you say breakdown, do you mean they are falling apart or no longer offering the same level of support/stiffness? By the way, have you baked yours?

I haven't because I am afraid they may breakdown faster.

So far they are still ok. Crossing my fingers though.

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They are both extremely easy to break in, my XXX's broke in after about 4 skates, and broke down after the 10th skate.

Bought the hype again...you gotta stop doing this to yourself

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Broke down meaning they have no more stiffness, and yes, they were baked. It's time to drop the bomb on some C width pro stiff 8090s.

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It's your call, they are going to break down quicker than anything else regardless. My outsole is separating from the boot, there is no more stiffness up top, and one of the eyelets is nearly torn out of the skate. If I paid retail, I would be furious.

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So far I haven't had any problems, but I only have about four games and a practice on them as of today. I had originally planned on getting some pro return vapor xx, but I missed out (time wise) on the bidding on the last day. So I got these instead.

I got these with the hope that they last at least 8months to a year. If I get the chance I would get these again but in the pro model.

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