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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need For Speed Underground :2

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I just completed my third sponser, did the 5 URL, the 3 x races, and 29 of my choice. now I have no races or special events on my map but the girl wont call me and tell me to pick a new sponser! All I can do is those outrun things but I hate them. What am I supposed to do? I only have 80% parts and the game is only like 41% done. The last cars I got were the mustang and GTO, I didnt get the Lancer or the STi yet which I was really hoping to get the Lancer. Am I done with the career part of the game? I hope not cause it ended kinda abruptly, but I dont know what to do.

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just pull up the map and see if there's anything available. usually in the first half of the game once you finish stuff there will be new URL races near the airport.

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build your car up to 6 stars (maybe higher i cant remember exactly) but the contract says you have to get a DVD cover for so many stars.. that will move you along... your next sponser is worth A LOT... my ford GT never looked so good ;)

EDIT: yea its 6 stars. btw what car are you using?

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get up to six stars... i just did the same thing today... no new races... all the hidden ones found... i built up the car to 6 and i got a DVD cover and the last URL race and then moved on

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I'm at 75% in NFSU2 and it said that I have completed the game and finished all of the underground races. I've done a lot of outrun races lately but I don't know what else to do other than look for some more hidden races that aren't on the map that I may have missed.

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you have to keep doing outruns and and try to find hidden races

eventually you will get another URL then things start to open up

you will get wide body kits, unique spoilers, and a unique engine part from beating people in outruns

my friend also said he got a special car from beating someone

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