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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Warrior qr edge pro pants

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Wondering how the protection is on these if anyone has any input. Are they comparable to the vapor x900 in terms of protection ? Higher quality ? Lower ? Thanks!

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I have two pairs of QRL's from Pro Stock, and I feel that they are really solid. I also use CCM HP45's, and I find them to be comparable. They each have strengths in different areas (hips-CCM...tail-Warrior), but they can be offset with a padded compression layer.  They might be perfect acceptable for you as is.

I know that doesn't specifically address the models you mentioned, but hopefully it helps in some way. 

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I thought the two were fairly similar. Both are a nice upgrade from the x900. The Pro version felt a little bulkier and had more of an old school fit. The QR Edge version were lighter a bit more mobile and had tapered fit. I went with the QR Edges over the pro. I'm very happy with them.

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I have the qredge non pro. But from what I can tell with what I've read and also with their gloves, the pro version offers a touch more roomier fit. 

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Went w the pro. Seem solid. Not sure if they are as solid as my x900 but ice time will tell.  The edge was slightly out of my budget

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