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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Companies '05 Websites

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Most of them are updated after the trade show. They try to give retailers a chance to sell off the old stuff before they start hyping the new stuff. I would guess March or April for most of them.

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Is nike doing one?

I hope Nike re-designs their website, the current one is very aesthetically appealing but there is very little information on the site and it's a pain in the ass to navigate.

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Is nike doing one?

I hope Nike re-designs their website, the current one is very aesthetically appealing but there is very little information on the site and it's a pain in the ass to navigate.

I know! I thought websites were supposed to be informative.

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Is nike doing one?

I hope Nike re-designs their website, the current one is very aesthetically appealing but there is very little information on the site and it's a pain in the ass to navigate.

I know! I thought websites were supposed to be informative.

If sales was about informing customers it would be. In reality sales is about hyping products.

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