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Easton Hockey Catalog from 1996,1997 and 1998

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Does anyone have a Easton Hockey Catalog from 1996,1997 and 1998.  They had a curve called the 301 and a curve called the Euro Tip.  Looking for a picture of those

Edited by iceman8310

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21 hours ago, iceman8310 said:

Does anyone have a Easton Hockey Catalog from 1996,1997 and 1998.  They had a curve called the 301 and a curve called the Euro Tip.  Looking for a picture of those

I think I have a Euro Tip curve in the garage. I'll check when I get home. 

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22 hours ago, stick9 said:

I think I have a Euro Tip curve in the garage. I'll check when I get home. 

Awesome.  If you do, do you mind posting a picture of the curve?

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...I’m weirdly excited about seeing what a Euro Tip is. [No spoilers!!!]

This is way more intriguing that what yellow and black color way the new supreme stick will have, or some made up new technology like “dual lie” that is actually just rocker. 

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Sorry guys. I must have ditched it. I definitely used easton blades around then and I do recall euro 'something' on one of them.

Based on what I used back then, it was a giant mid curve, like a Coffey. 

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Spotted one on lame-bay...

Back: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/xioAAOSwlTFeJ2LE/s-l1600.jpg

Front: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/gwIAAOSwxVReJ2K~/s-l1600.jpg

Unfortunately, the most interesting part about the blade is not photographed from above.

I'm also really interested in Easton catalogs from 1996,1997 and 1998

Edited by SanDiegoHoser

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