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Pro Patrick Kane Curve

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Hey guys first post here,

I was wondering if any of you have experience with the pro kane curve from Bauer or "prostockhockeysticks". I'm normally a malkin pro/p28 guy and I was wondering if its worth dropping 2-300 bucks on a customized twig. I wanna see what that curve is about though so let me know guys. Benefits, downsides, lets hear it. 



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Longtime P31 user who transitioned to P92 (knowing the P91 was dropping) who opted to try the Kane Pro.  If you were ever a fan of the old Easton Shanahan you might like it, but for me it was a big transition and my thoughts are if you're a big P28 fan the transition will be even more drastic.

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Hey I come from using a P88 and switched a few months ago to the pro Kane. The 2 biggest things for me were how flat the curve is and that even though the curve is pretty flat, you have to shoot off the toe. 

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The Kane is similar to an old Shanahan.  It's a flat heel with a mid twist and a little toe curve.  You play most of the time with the puck on the heel, but need to move the puck to the toe to shoot (similar to the P28).  That's where I struggled most with it.  I was using a P10, not the true Kane Pro, so the length may have been part of the problem.  But if you don't get the puck onto the toe and get your hands around, it's all muffins with this curve.  It doesn't have as much toe beak as the P28, and the square toe makes it hard to roll your wrists on shots and stickhandle vs. the P28 arrowhead.  The biggest benefit are saucer passes because of the big flat heel.  It's almost hard to not sauce the puck flat.  I was putting a little sauce on passes I didn't even want to.  Everything was up and spun like a frisbee.  It was crazy.

Why are you looking to switch to this specific curve?

Edited by psulion22

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