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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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do you wear socks?

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Hello there,

I got a nice pair of 692 Tacks and im skating barefoot now and i love it.

Unfortunately these skates are new (no baking yet) and i got blisters on the inside of both ankles.

Its not that comfortable and at the end of every game/training it gets worse.

Another aspect is, when they are older and there are some bacterias in there, it can infect, which is pretty bad, i know this from other injuries.

Thanks so far.

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I wouldn't be caught dead goin barefoot. I shudder at the thought of the mammoth blisters I would get.

Lol me too. I use some Under Armour knee high socks.

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I wouldn't be caught dead goin barefoot. I shudder at the thought of the mammoth blisters I would get.

Lol me too. I use some Under Armour knee high socks.

I like the football ones, because they're all padded around the foot. It seems like nothing fits my foot properly outside of the shop! So the thick padded foot on the football ones reduce the pain

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I've done barefoot once or twice, but I didn't like the seam where the toecap connects rubbing directly against my toes (Mission S500). And I really couldn't feel that much difference between barefoot and super-thin socks.

I use the Wigwam footliner -- either the short (1/3 up calf) or long one (probably goes up 3/4 way up calf) -- which is a very thin wicking-fabric sock. I haven't used any of the other thin socks, but I've heard from others that it's thinner than the oxysox. It doesn't have any padding or ribbing or anything like that.

I think this may be the long version (I've not bought them from HG though).

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I haven't used any of the other thin socks, but I've heard from others that it's thinner than the oxysox. It doesn't have any padding or ribbing or anything like that.

Do you consider OXYSOX as a thin sock ?

In my view they are kinda thick.

I own them too and they are too thick, i wore them once, i would sell them if anyone needs them.

Are there any other nice thin hockeysocks?


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Are there any other nice thin hockeysocks?

People who have used ours have given them thumbs up.

Contact the Austrian distributor to see if he can locate a store carrying them for you.

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Are there any other nice thin hockeysocks?

People who have used ours have given them thumbs up.

Contact the Austrian distributor to see if he can locate a store carrying them for you.

I'm wearing a pair of the Salmings right now. They're thicker than I prefer for hockey but they are really comfortable.

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To which sock can you compare them?

As i said, the oxysox are too thich for my preference.

When they are what im looking for, i'll contact the Austrian.

Does he know you ? I can tell him your name to impress him, j/k.

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Do you consider OXYSOX as a thin sock ?

In my view they are kinda thick.

I've never tried them but they look to be more like a typical athletic sock, esp. if they have additional padding on the sole.

The Wigwam footliners are to me as thin as you can go (other than something like pantyhose!). I haven't tried any other brands, like UA or Nike's, though.

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Friction and blisters caused by friction when wearing socks are due to coton that absorbs moisture. So you need to wear socks in your skates, but good quality ones with less coton as possible, just as specialised ski or running socks.

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I'm wearing a pair of the Salmings right now. They're thicker than I prefer for hockey but they are really comfortable.

Well, wash them a few times....that thins them out! :lol:

Actually, I'm wondering if they changed the design slightly. The ones I'm using are from the 2004 season, and they are definitely as thin as my dress socks with a slightly padded sole. However, Greg with PuckSkin also said he felt they were comfortable but thicker than he was expecting. The truth is I haven't seen the new socks to compare, since Customs made me ship them out of the country. (I ended up shipping them to Mark with Salming Canada.)

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well since i started the topic i bought new bauer 8090's and in an attempt to keep the skates in the best shape for the longest amount of time i started using regular socks but hated it. it was undescribable going from the freedom of barefoot to that BLAH!!!!! the regular socks also made my skates a little snug on the outsides of my feet so i thought id give the synergy socks a try since they are only $10 to try to make a pair of $400 skates last longer. now its been about 2 months and the synergy socks are almost as nice as barefoot. so if u arent 100% set on barefoot and are concerned about your skates smelling terrible id suggest the synergy socks

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I use some reebok mid calf socks. THey were like $9.99 for three at marshalls a few years back, I think I bought like 15pairs. The thing with socks for me is the toe seam and these reebok athletic socks have a nice toe seam. I've tried the UA soccer socks and they are a little too thin for my liking.

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Barefoot in year and a half old Vapor XX's. The inside of the skate feels so much better than a sock, IMO. But they're the nastiest skates in our dressing room :unsure:

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Who cares bout the smell, thats life/hockey ^_^

I mean, im afraid that my skates will stink like hell, but i can deal with it.

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i skated barefoot for a year but went back to socks when i got a new pair of skates. i never knew so many people went barefoot. ive been thinking about going back to barefoot for a while now but i cant stand the smell.

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