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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

CCM tacks vectors killing my foot

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I hadn't played in 25 years and recently got back on the ice. I picked up a set of CCM vector tacks and had them baked. They rub on the inside of my left foot, so bad that it affects my play and leaves it red and irritated. I wear a 9.5 shoe and these are size 8. My heel is locked in tight and my toes move with no issues. 

I had them baked again 3 days ago but it's not any better. I've tried different socks, moleskin, and lacing methods. I've read where it may be that accessory bone and I should maybe have that area punched out. 


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Do you have an accessory navicular? It’s like an extra bone bump below your inside ankle. Other people have has success punching that are out to give it a little more space.  

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On 11/15/2022 at 2:33 AM, Christoff said:

Pretty sure I do. I'd Ike to post a picture on here, but can't figure out how to put one on here. 

Put the pic on imgur and then post the link here. If you have a accessory navicular then get your boots punched, any half decent shop should be able to do it.

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If it's just causing rubbing and blister it'll just callous over once it's healed. I used to go through this all the time as a kid with Rollerblades lol. Let it heal then try skating again and see how it is. If it's pressing and not chaffing then that's another issue and u can get that area slightly punched out

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