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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Hi MSH - tried finding a post on this but couldn’t… 

I’ve always really liked the CCM Team LK (low kick) sticks, from the Super Tack versions, to Jetspeed and Ribcor graphics. Even the current retail Team sticks which as far as I can tell are basically the same with slight “upgrades” (blade texture, shaft shape).

Anyway, I think I figured out why I like the Team builds so much… can anyone validate this, are the Team sticks simply the old Reebok 20k sticks with new graphics and slight upgrades? I used to love that 20k stick which is probably why I like the Team sticks…

The specs and tech descriptions are basically identical and if you look at pictures of them, they look like the same build too.

CCM Trigger 7 Team: my current go to over all my top end sticks: pretty much every latest CCM generation top stick, hyperlite, flylite, Nexus 2NPROXL, Warrior Alpha LX/DX Pro’s, etc. Weird that I chose this over all them I know… I also know this isn’t prostock but I use it for the E geometry where my LK pro stocks are more R or square shaped. But the pro stock and retail builds seem identical other than that.




Curious to hear anyone’s thoughts or opinions. Agree or disagree?

Edited by Yardelm

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Is the retail Trigger Team you linked to the same as the prostock Team LK sticks? I got the impression they are different, but a quick goog didn’t turn up any good info or specs for the LK. 

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