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house laeuge

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Congrats on finding the game and getting started!

I'm a little older than you (LOL... I'm 53) and started as an adult so I'm not going to be able to tell you a ton about starting as a young adult in house league.

What I can say is that playing hockey should be all about having fun learning about, getting better at, and playing the game, particularly in house league.  If you're 14 and have just discovered hockey, one of the things you're going to run into is players that have been playing since they were 5 and are crazy good, etc. etc.  Don't let it get you down when you can't do the stuff on the ice that those people can do.  Just keep working at it, keep having fun, and before you know it you'll be pretty good too.  🙂

Welcome!  I'm jealous of you starting playing before your knees are worn out, while you're still flexible, etc.  🙂


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As Mark said, don’t get frustrated, the more you improve, the worse you’ll feel you are because you’ll recognize you can do better. But enjoy playing while you do. 

if I could give you any advice, it’s that 98% of the things you do on the ice stem from how well you skate. So take every chance you get to work on skating, strength and flexibility. Take every power skating opportunity you can. Utilize a little stick and puck session and before/after practice to throw in some skating drills. 

Michigan moves are cool and all but guys can pull those off because they’re fundamentally sound. 

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Skate skate skate and skate.  The more you skate and the more skating practice you have, the better you will be.  If you get general skating down, hockey stopping on both sides make things come together in my opinion.  Watch videos on how to start slow and progress from there.  Knowing how to confidently hockey stop on both sides was the "light switch" for me when i first picked up ice skating.

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  On 4/20/2023 at 10:10 PM, Buzz_LightBeer said:

As Mark said, don’t get frustrated, the more you improve, the worse you’ll feel you are because you’ll recognize you can do better. But enjoy playing while you do. 

if I could give you any advice, it’s that 98% of the things you do on the ice stem from how well you skate. So take every chance you get to work on skating, strength and flexibility. Take every power skating opportunity you can. Utilize a little stick and puck session and before/after practice to throw in some skating drills. 

Michigan moves are cool and all but guys can pull those off because they’re fundamentally sound. 

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Thank you for the feedback, I never really cared about being the best but no matter the sport i always try my hardest. Im excited to see where my hard wrk lands me. love the user name, thanks again

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Another old guy here who started just a few years ago.  To echo @noupf skate, fall down, get up try again.  The better you can skate, the easier it is to get to the puck or to a place where a teammate can get you the puck.  I've mostly focused on forwards and turning, and am seeing the short-sightedness of that focus now that I am playing actual hockey.  Once you get comfortable with forward, stops and basic turns, I would focus on backwards and then transitions (forward to back and back to forward).  Having some agility makes things way easier.  

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House league hockey is a fun and supportive environment. Expect to learn and practice fundamental skills, enjoy games with teammates, and make lasting friendships. Set goals, have fun, and embrace the journey!!! practice will make you more perfect!! All the best lad. 🤩

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