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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ok so my friend just started playing ice hockey i gave him a pair of skates i got from hockeymoneky last year the easton z airs or comps....and yesterday he broke the skate blade so we go to greatskate today and they tell us that easton stoped making that skate blade and he needs to get new holders....is there anyone that knows were i can get a pair of skate blades for a size 12 skate?

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You were AT Great Skate? That means you are probably somewhere in my general area.

Unfortunately, you're probably not going to find what you're looking for around here this side of the boarder. However, if you were to head over the Peace Bridge into Fort Erie, Ontario, Reid's should be able to get you what you want. PM me if you want some more information regarding their location...

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What he's saying is that Great Skate lied to you. Maybe they just don't know what they're talking about, but I think it could be a possibility that they wanted you to switch holders so they could make more money than just selling you the steel.

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i have had a prb with my vector pro's YET....ok so let me get this right....i can go get a pair if blades that will fit a size 12 skate and put it on the easton comp z airs?

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Z-air comps... thats teh same skates as me...

They use the Easton Parabolic runners, yes?

I think they've been replaced by the Easton LPS Runners... would the LPS fit in the Razor Bladz holder?

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i have had  a prb with my vector pro's YET....ok so let me get this right....i can go get a pair if blades that will fit a size 12 skate and put it on the easton comp z airs?

No, you can get a set of EASTON blades, not just any blade.

THere are three sets of runners, and they will fit on ANY Easton holder -

LPS Parabolic (what comes on the high-end)


Pro (non-parabolic, what I have on my SyNergys :)

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but great skate said i would need to replace everyting

...Don't listen to the employees at Great Skate; I'd say 95% of them have a hard time just making their way to work everyday. It's incredible just how ignorant they are - one would think that, in order to be hired to work there, a person would have to have at least SOME knowledge of hockey equipment, but apparently that just isn't the case :blink: Every-so-often you get a guy who seems to know what he's talking about, but, for the most-part, you're on your own when you're there.

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Won't flex as much and MUCH EASIER TO SHARPEN...

Is the blade flexing a good thing for skating?

the non-parabolic runners are much easier to sharpen?

I must say though, parabolic runners look so cool :P

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If your sharpening method tells you to remove the skate and check for squareness, then hone and do a final pass, on a pair of Parabolic blades, if you do not put them on the holder in the same spot EXACTLY as you had them before, it will be off.

Basically, the parabolic cut out makes it hard to align on the sharpening holder.

And as far as the blade flexing, when you're over 220 lb, too much flex is not a good thing.

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