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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

XL steel

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If I recall correctly, the XL steel is standard steel with a longer profile. If correct that would mean any steel can be converted to XL steel.

Regardless. You should be able to get 254 to feel like 263 by simply profiling your current steel.

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On 11/21/2024 at 10:01 AM, stick9 said:

If I recall correctly, the XL steel is standard steel with a longer profile. If correct that would mean any steel can be converted to XL steel.

Regardless. You should be able to get 254 to feel like 263 by simply profiling your current steel.

Its not a longer profile but taller at the toe and heel. Both regular and xl come in 10' stock profile. 

It will not offset putting a larger holder but you can always profile your steel for more blade contact. 

Op, here u go 


Edited by Sniper9

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One interesting note: While the Step Edge XL is only taller than the regular steel at the toe and heel, the Step LS2 XL was actually 5-6mm longer than regular Step LS2 Steel. So the 254 LS2 XL that I currently use are closer to regular 263 than 254. So when I went from 263 LS2 to 254 LS2 holders, going from regular 263 to 254 XL steel softened the transition a bit.

Edited by Larry54

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3 hours ago, Larry54 said:

One interesting note: While the Step Edge XL is only taller than the regular steel at the toe and heel, the Step LS2 XL was actually 5-6mm longer than regular Step LS2 Steel. So the 254 LS2 XL that I currently use are closer to regular 263 than 254. So when I went from 263 LS2 to 254 LS2 holders, going from regular 263 to 254 XL steel softened the transition a bit.

Thanks for all the replies.  This is the assumption that I was under which is why I was hoping it would save me from swapping holders.  I thought all XL steel was 4 mm longer.  I already did a holder swap on one pair of skates and it definitely helped in areas, but it also has me wondering if profiling could get me pretty close to the same feeling and not having to do more holder swaps.  It gets expensive quick playing around with different profiles 

Edited by caseyjones

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