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shoeshine boy

beer league insurance

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this question is for the adult players out there.

does your league have insurance for injuries that's NOT USA Hockey/HockeyCanada insurance?

some background: our league is instituting a full facial protection rule next Summer for all levels except the Elite players. the main reason is due to rising insurance costs caused by players with half shields (already required) needing expensive dental work and other facial injuries. as you can imagine, there's pushback and whining "I'm an adult! it should be my choice!" but as an independent (non-rink) league, insurance is crucial. at least one of the rink0run leagues in town dropped USA Hockey insurance years ago and now just goes without any.

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All the rinks I’ve played at require USA Hockey insurance. I used to think it was a stupid additional fee, but did take advantage of it about 6 years ago when I injured myself. So now it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind 

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Around here (Pittsburgh, PA area) afaik its either USAH or nothing at all.  Just to confirm, you're talking about insurance _for the players_ right?  Not to protect the rink?

There are a decent # of non-USAH rinks.  I assume they have some type of liability insurance and that that's the main thing driving player gear requirements.  But AFAIK none of that benefits the players as an excess medical / whatever like USAH insurance does.


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