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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone having problems with MSN?

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I can`t seem to sign on. It says theres a problem with the service or my Internet, but clearly my internet is working as I`m on MSH, AIM, etc. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem.



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Is there a differnece between MSN Explorer and Windows Messenger...becasue My Windows Messenger sayd it is Version 4...but I know I ran the most recent MSN update recently.

Windows Messenger opens automatically everything I log onto Outlook Express to chefk my email.

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I'm not really happy about the Messenger service in general and I'd prefer ICQ over MSN anyday. However, the only reason I use MSN is that everybody else does and not as many people I know have ICQ so what's the point having to use ICQ when no one has it? Talk to yourself?

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