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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching to a mogilny curve

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Hey, I have been using a modano style curve and cant seem to get any height on my slappers. When I used the sakic curve, my shots were on the roof lol. Will the mogilny be right up my alley?

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I'm sorry but the curve should have no influence on your ability to place shots. Just follow through up high and your shot should go there, plain and simple. The 5 vs 5.5 lie on the other hand...

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I used a modano for a while, then switched to a mogilny, then switched to a sakic, then switched back to the mogilny. The mogilny is definately up your alley, IMO. I loved the curve, and now I'm using the pro4 and am longing for the extra loft.

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Kovy, go with the Drury. Its essentially a 5.5 Modano with a crapload of loft. I made the same exact jump and haven't looked back since.

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I have both a Modano and a Inno Mogilny,the Mogilny WILL give your shots more loft than a modano(as a modano tends to keep shots low)and Inno blades are the shiznite

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I went from a Z-carbon modano to a inno fedorov and the inno was a much better blade especially in the feel department. I have a Z-carbon si core Sakic now and am not liking it.

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I used a Bananahan toe curve for years and shot a little higher than I wanted to sometimes. When I bought my first Inno, I went for the retail Mogilny and loved it. I actually fell in love with the rounded toe more than anything although it's a MUCH more mellow curve than the Shanny. Also the lower lie suited me better. Since then I have used an Easton Sakic and although I feel like the cute-sy stickhandling moves come easier with a Sakic (slightly deeper), the Mogilny is a good all around blade for me. Although I briefly used a McCarty from a fellow local MSHer and may have to make the switch sometime to try it on a long-term basis....

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How would a Mogilny compare to a Hull from Mission, whats the differences?

Mogilny opens up more.

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