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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what is a Face angle

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:blink: well right now i have a sherwood coffey blade and i really like no other type of curve that i have used has been close but i want to buy a easton synergy on piece and their closest curve is the lindstrom but the coffey's fave angle is closed and the lindsrom is very open what does that mean and what does that effect if anything thanks for the help!!!

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face angle is the amount of loft the blade has, or the degree of wedge on the blade. The closest to a coffey however, if you can find one, is the Yzerman.

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An open face has a tendency to lift shots higher than a closed face.

Personally, I can barely shoot with a lidstrom. I always sing them 10 feet over the net, I have to turn my wrists over so much to get it down that I lose a ton of power.

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just as a sidenote, anybody else notice the coffey pattern changed from a 5.5 lie to 4.5, my store just got in a new shipment of sherwood woodies and theyre(coffeys) all marked 4.5

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although the yzerman is the closest thing... it has a higher lie. Which is the reason I haven't been able to use a synergy myself. I like the coffey, and no easton pattern is similar

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face angle is the amount of loft the blade has, or the degree of wedge on the blade. The closest to a coffey however, if you can find one, is the Yzerman.

Yes it is

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yes, but its nothing like a coffey curve though. i thought you were trying to find the equivalent of the coffey in easton terms

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Yea but i didnt know different blades could make you pick the puck up better this is mt first year ever playing hockey on my varsity high school team lets say im a natural skater and puck handeler but not shooter lol

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