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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS response

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Tons of sales with the new 05 stuff comin out soon. That means heavy amount of buying for me. Anywho, anybody used the Response or the Response + and there any big problems with them, pros/cons.

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Didn't own one, but I tried my friends for a practice. The balance on the Response is pretty good. I could still rip it a couple times because it was a Whip Flex. Overall, a good stick for your dollar. I also heard it is more durable than a Synergy.

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If you're talking about the old yellow Response, it was the complete opposite durability wise for me. The blade just, well sucked. I guess it be an okay deal if you picked up a few cheap though.

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Had the old Response and thought it was excellent. Hence the purchase of 2 Response Plus'. These have even better balance, with a lighter blade. The feel for the puck is the best stick I've palyed with. Only problem is the quality of the paint, really chips away pretty easily....however as long as the stick stays in one piece and the performance stays as it is, I couldn't give a monkeys what it looks like. TPS are the best OPS on the market for my money but what ever floats my boat probably won't float yours.

Go to your LHS and just pick up everyone you can, ignore the make of stick and what your team mates have and just see what feels the best in your paws.

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I have used a Response + this season about 2 games a week. It has really gotten beaten up but doesn't appear as if it will break anytime soon. I don't like the vibrations in the blade and puck feel can be bad at times. Also I use a Morrow curve and a stiff flex when I would be better suited to a whip or regular flex Tkachuk or Tucker.

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Tons of sales with the new 05 stuff comin out soon. That means heavy amount of buying for me. Anywho, anybody used the Response or the Response + and there any big problems with them, pros/cons.

I loved the old yellow Response but the durability was poor. The feel was just about the best I've ever had from a OPS, not to mention my shot. The R+ has a more durable blade but less feel. Both are balanced very well.

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i didn't like my response that much at all, me and my friend bought them at a tournament in Detroit when they were new. My dad, who is normally really smart, had a dumb moment and decided to heat the blade to give it curve :D It broke so quick. I was thinking about getting a xn10 they looked alot better than the original.

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I don´t like them at all. I used to have a Jason Podollan Pro Stock Response (Model C8) which he gave to me unused and I it broke during my 4th practice. The blade was very stiff which was supportive for quick snap shots but I had trouble stickhandling and receiving passes as the feel just wasn´t right for me. Not sure if that´s the same with the retail versions as well.

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I bought a C8, the old yellow ones when they first came out and didn't care for it. The blade broke quickly and disliked it for those "intangible" reasons (pp) why some people like a stick and some people don't. I haven't tried the Response +, but they feel well balanced. Honestly, after using a Mission L-2 for about a month now I'd be reluctanct to buy another OPS... unless you are breaking shafts at the same rate you are breaking blades.

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Yellow Response. Good Feel, Bad durability.

I've never used the R+, I love the new blades and never had a problem with the shaft shape on the XN10 (both concave) and the materials in my Response shafts seemed to hold up very well.

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