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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Febreeze doesn't really work for me..... I use Sprayfresh OT deodorizer, it works pretty well all my gear except my gloves.... they still stink <_<

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Fabreze covers the smell, it doesn't fix the problem. "No B.O." Seems to work for a lot of people here.

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Wash the bag in a commercial washing machine with oxy-clean mixed into regular detergent. Works great. Air dry the bag.

That's what I do with all my equipment (skates, helmet, and gloves excluded), but I just use what ever detergent I have around the house. (and I use my own washing machine) I think one of the keys here is to wash often so the smell doesn't get too out of control. :blink:

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I think I've posted this before somewhere, but... I used to work at a pet supply store and we sold a product called "Natures Miracle." It came in a white bottle with red writing. It was made to get pet stains and odors out of carpets. The stuff is awesome, but you have to mix it with water for your equipment. It was non-toxic if I remmeber right, so it wouldn't give you a rash. Also, now I work at a pro shop and we sell OT spray that work really well too.

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After you wash your bag, start airing your stuff out after every time you skate. Also, I spray Lysol on to my equipment....that seems to help.

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There's a company called "Enviro-tec" which makes commercial disinfectants and deoderizers which are actually anti bacterial...used in hospitals, airplanes etc....They make one product..called "Product N" which actually enrobes and then destroys the bacteria which cause the odors...works great...comes in a 32 oz manual squeeze spray bottle. This may be the same stuff as the "pet odor spray" mentioned earlier, but under a different name....

I have used this stuff to deoderize my dog after she was sprayed by a skunk....works great. It will get rid of most of the odor for a couple of weeks, but you should air the equipment out after using, to let it dry as well.

Manufacturers are starting to come out with an optional material for various equipment which has it's own anti bacterial treament to prevent this odor build up.

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