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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Air mile Points

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Im going to get an Ipod with Airmile points, but on their site it is the older one without the click wheel. I phoned Airmiles and they said whatever is on the site is what will be sent i didnt even know Apple still made these ones. Do you think if they sent the old one i could exchange it for a new one somewhere?

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The click wheel's nice but I had no problems with the older models. The only reason I'd want the click wheel one is because its battery lasts longer.

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If you actually found a shop that would take it in for a newer one, more power to you. Like I said, the battery is what I care about the new one for instead of the wheel.

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i think it was 3,900 points, i didnt even know apple still made the older ones which is why i think they might send a new one anyways and the picture on the site maybe just isnt updated

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i didnt even know apple still made the older ones which is why i think they might send a new one anyways and the picture on the site maybe just isnt updated

they probably bought a ton right when they were about to be discontinued. so they may have an a$$load of old ipods to give away.

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The click wheel's nice but I had no problems with the older models. The only reason I'd want the click wheel one is because its battery lasts longer.

or so they say so... do they... hmmm :)

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