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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Problem

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Hi, I recently broke the blade on my synergy and it was not under warranty so I cut the blade off and was going to put another one in, but when I cut the blade off the stick was not hollow. I don't know if the older synergies were not supposed too be hollow or what. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.

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whats filling the inside?? theres no way its solid, it must be foam. some sticks have foam inside the whole shaft, bust most just have a foam plug at the ends. My friends Graf OPS had foam plugs. Get a file and shave it right out

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Actually, you cut through the hosel of the blade. You need to cut a bit higher to get above it. Be careful that you don't cut to high or a tapered blade won't fit anymore.

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No its not foam the stick is is filled with carbon or something hard on the inside. Also there's a plastic tube that runs through the whole thing connected too the sides.

That's the remainder of the tenon for the blade. Remember, the Synergy really just a fused low-connection stick. You need to get the remainder of the tenon out and you should have basically a Synthesis.

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I'm not sure if I can tho because of the plastic tube, its attached too the walls of the stick

It's not a plastic tube, it's the tenon of the blade. Imagine a "normal" shaft and blade. You just cut at the point you can see on the outside, yet the tenon is inserted into the shaft a couple of inches. Since the OPS is epoxied in place, you can't remove it. You have to cut above it.

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What worked for me is to drill a screw into the foam/carbon thing and then heat the shaft up around there and pull as hard as you can.

It should pop out, thats what worked for me!

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I took your advice Chadd but when I cut up higher it didn't do anything the stick was still not hollow, It was quite a bit higher that i cut too. I just don't get this stick.

the hosels are about 2.5-3 inches long, exactly how far up did you cut?

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