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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helium creases!

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that looks normal to me. It happens when you wrap ur laces around ur ankles, push down on the tendon guards when ur taking ur boot off, or bend the tendon guards when doing specific stretches on the ice, ie, kneeling quad stretch. All of which you shouldnt really do if u want to maintain ur boot, but which many people do not knowing that it damages the skate. Doesnt really look like a defect to me.


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That's normal. Justin mentioned it on the other thread -

Looking at the pictures in the previous page, you most likely have an issue.  However, the crease on the tendon is not an issue...The side quarter is....Unfortunately we do not have any 950's in stock right now...We are waiting for replacements to arrive in the next 10 days..


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Given all the issues brought up about the eyelet problems...that looks like a pretty minor concern...not all that unusual on many skates..over time.

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I don't think the crease is going to affect the performance. Cosmetically, obviously but it also depends on how you tie your blades and how long you've used them.

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yeah thats not a defect according to mission, only creasing on the side of the boot. I have them on mine as well, and i don't tape, wrap laces, or push on it to take my skates off. They just came about from use.

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I feel for the boys at Mission ...granted they had a creasing problem and took care of it, their customer service is exemplary as always..but now every crease in the skate must be sending people to the phones!!!

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I feel for the boys at Mission ...granted they had a creasing problem and took care of it, their customer service is exemplary as always..but now every crease in the skate must be sending people to the phones!!!

Making them white only made it worse.

EDIT: by worse I mean more visible, making people are more likely to complain.

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As stated above, that crease is somewhat normal. The crease on the side of the boot is another storry...The crappy part is that the creasing came from our supplier using the wrong type of glue and a making a pattern change without our knowledge...All I can say is it is extremely fusturating...

Maybe I'll retire and go back into the surf industry...I didn't have these type of days..I guess these are the days that make the job interesting...lol

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So the new boots with the right type of glue will make the sides of the boots not crease at all?

and the pattern change, and we changed an internal piece to a stiffer/thicker chemical sheet...The glue is not like elmers glue...It contains some other stuff that acts almost like formable cement....

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in addition to turnaround time, do you have any time frame on when they will be available?? I spoke to both Neil and Craig, and they gave me a return # and all that stuff already, but told me they wouldn't have any in stock until late March. I know you had said last week or so it'd only be 2 weeks till they're in stock. If you could clear that up for me I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Fletch: i'm sure Justin can better answer your question but the mission site says the turnaround on warranties is 24 hrs, so i'm sure once they get the new 950's in stock it shouldn't take too long. If you're mailing yours I would call customer service now, cuz they took my size, width, personal info, and gave me a return # to include with the skates when it comes time to send them in

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How do you tell if they are the ones with the pattern change and incorrect glue?

One of my mates got one of the first pairs of 950's, (with bake for 7 minutes on the box), has he got a dud pair? Can he send them back Justin?

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