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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Lefty finally wins

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2 Lefties in a row. I still can't believe he had never won a major tourny until today, just plain bad luck I guess.

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Phil is probably my 2nd favorite golfer behind Weir, I've seen an article that he was using a special new ball for leftys, that must have worked out well for him then.

And EDIT: You guy's forgot that Weir is a Lefty.

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I was convinced that put wasn't going to drop. Glad to see him win it, he deserves it. Too bad he has no chance of ever winning the British Open, and therefore the grand slam.

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Chris Dimarco chipped it right over Lefty's coin. That probably helped him read the hole after Dimarco's putt. That's good for Mickelson, I'm happy for him.

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I was really pulling for Mickelson in this one, it's great to see him finally win a major after being so close in the past.

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Phil. NO! lol, maybe, probably not though. Great guy glad to see him win. I was really glad to see that last put go in, I personally thought his weight was too heavy but it went in, so what can I say.

I was laughing with my uncle when he went in to sign the card. Imagine if he did somthing wrong and took a penalty for it. Wasen't it Nick Faldo who screwed up his card one year, I know someone did, if anyone remembers can you post the guys name please.

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I had the pleasure of being there friday and today. I followed Phil all day friday and today I sat at 18 and watched everyone roll in. It was the most amazing scene I have ever seen. I was there in '97 when that woods fella won and it still doesn't compare to Phil. So many more people were pulling for Phil. I talked to his wife a few different times on friday and he MUST be the luckiest man alive. There is no man on the tour that deserves success.

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  PiKappaPhi said:
I had the pleasure of being there friday and today. I followed Phil all day friday and today I sat at 18 and watched everyone roll in. It was the most amazing scene I have ever seen. I was there in '97 when that woods fella won and it still doesn't compare to Phil. So many more people were pulling for Phil. I talked to his wife a few different times on friday and he MUST be the luckiest man alive. There is no man on the tour that deserves success.
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You chose to watch Phil over Arnold? :blink:

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So nice to see. I was in the gym, and had to stop to watch. His shot from 148 yds out was incredible, you could see it in his eyes coming up to the green tha it was his day. Can't wait to hear wait Wilbon and Kornheiser have to say.

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It was a real good moment when that putt dropped, good to see him win, it's about time. I think he win win a couple more majors now that he has proved to everyone and himself that he can do it. I don't think Montie will ever win a major, he never seems to have the luck or focus on those weekends.

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I sure did watch Arnie come up on the 18th. I didn't want to be up on the green cause there were just tons of folks so what we did is we went to where his drive ended up and we went there. I dont know if they showed this on TV, but while he was waiting he came over to the gallery and talked to us. What a classy gentleman. He made a few jokes about the wait then everyone went nuts for him after his second shot. It was awesome.

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i couldnt believe he sunk that putt, I lost 10 bucks on it to my uncle. Hits the edge and barely drops in, i was shocked. Sergio had a good round too, stinks his 18th hole putt ended up on the edge like that, it was a great read and putt.

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Way to go Phil! Sergio made a massive charge on Sunday finishing in T-3. If he only played like that the whole Masters.

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KJ Choi also had alot of very nice shots.. How about the 2 hole in ones 10minutes apart? Pretty crazy. Padraig Harrington is the nephew of my grandparents neighbors, and i actually watched his hole in one in their house. They went absolulety crazy. Phil definately did deserve the win.

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