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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another annoying skate thread :)

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i need help choosing a new skate thanks so far ! ;)

I dont know which skate i should take, please help me to choose a skate.

Graf t 103 [w/ tblade]

CCM Externo 10

CCM 52

CCM 152

CCM 252

Mission Fly

Mission S100

All Pictures

Thanks a lot

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Is it just me or are alot of those skates not available in North America?

it it just me or is he not in north america?

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a lot of those skates can be bought in the US, the CCM 52, 152, 252, and E10, the S100's theyre all available in the US if you know where to look...but actually I never seen the Grafs in the US, they're hot though

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Out of those, pretty much the only difference is the way they fit. They are all in the "recreational" price range, so the materials, weight, etc. will all be very similar, with differences in the fit. You would need to try them on to determine that.

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thats for the help but the thread can be deleted ;)

i will stick to my skates for a while and buy some new in some months

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