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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How's your team doing?

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High School we are 0-6-2 (been extremely hurt by injuries)

House League we have only lost 6 games all year

My other league is already in playoffs, we go by a point system

5 points are awarded each game

2 points for a win

1 point for a tie

1 point for each period won

.5 point for a tied period

We have 10.5 points after 4 games, 2 remaining

top two in points play for the championship

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High School we are 0-6-2 (been extremely hurt by injuries)

House League we have only lost 6 games all year

My other league is already in playoffs, we go by a point system

5 points are awarded each game

2 points for a win

1 point for a tie

1 point for each period won

.5 point for a tied period

We have 10.5 points after 4 games, 2 remaining

top two in points play for the championship

I hate point systems. Even if you're beating a team badly you need to keep scoring goals to make sure you don't lose the period.

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^^^Yeah I am not a fan of it either. We have tied two games so far so I guess it makes things easier but last game we only won 3-0 and lost points because the 1st period was scoreless.

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We're cleaning up. We're currently first in our division, and we only need a few more wins to sew that up before playoffs (West Seneca is chasing us, the "winner" gets to play Amherst in the first round - they're pretty beat).

South Buffalo might be our only real challenge from the other division. We played against them last Friday night, and REALLY took the game to them; out shot them 40-10 or something like that (they probably would have put up a better fight if they didn't spend most of the night killing penalties), but only managed to beat them 2-0. Their goalie kept them in it all night - he played the angles better than any goalie I have seen in awhile and NEVER got caught out of position.

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We're cleaning up. We're currently first in our division, and we only need a few more wins to sew that up before playoffs (West Seneca is chasing us, the "winner" gets to play Amherst in the first round - they're pretty beat).

South Buffalo might be our only real challenge from the other division. We played against them last Friday night, and REALLY took the game to them; out shot them 40-10 or something like that (they probably would have put up a better fight if they didn't spend most of the night killing penalties), but only managed to beat them 2-0. Their goalie kept them in it all night - he played the angles better than any goalie I have seen in awhile and NEVER got caught out of position.

Where do you play?

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In short: We have a very young team this year. There are four guys who are 18, two that are 16, and the rest are 15. To say that we suck is putting it lightly. The younger player's parents don't know how to properly be parents on a hockey team. They blame the older kids for us not winning much, and think that we lose the games for the team. So whenever there is a disciplinary issue, the younger parents feel that they should have a say in the punishment of the player, as long as its an older player. My coach, being the spineless person he is, caves into their pressure. I'm currently serving a 30 day suspension for fighting back when I got jumped. The parents think that I shouldn't be captain, and bam, I get the C taken away from me. And when I finally do get to play, I have to babysit the two worst kids on my team on my line as a sick form of punishment. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much underlying shit with the coach, I don't even know where to begin. Its really a great way to end my youth hockey career.

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I play high school in manitoba, and my team's doing pretty well. We're 13-0-3 right now for first place in our league, and we've been in the top 10 rankings in the province for a solid month and a half now, anywhere from #5 to #9

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Point systems are crazy. In my league a year ago, I watched a game at the end of the season where both teams pulled their goalies to try and score more goals (at the same time).

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